The most important difference is graphics - now it is possible to design levels using multiple textures and there is a nice 3D effect making everything look more real than ever.
Summary of version 2 changes:
Improved level design, more textures, 3D-like effect
Background music
High contrast mode
Customizable bike appearance
"Player Profiles" for storing multiple configurations, especially useful when playing with family or friends
Variable zoom
"Map mode" is no longer static, you can even play on the map screen (as long you can manage to steer a tiny bike)
Commonly used menu commands can be assigned to buttons
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm still alive! (even though I am now focused on some other projects... but who knows, I might come back to BoD then )
Anyway, here is the season 2010-2011 chart, showing the some interesting changes, most notably the new Champion!
Congratulations, BikerBrian!
...except for one thing: it lacks a nice intro movie. Freestyle champions needed! Submit your best ride to Bike or Die 2 Intro and win the eternal fame!
How to submit:
1. Download the BoD 2 Title level: Bike or Die 2 Title 2. The title level cannot be finished - there are no flags. It means you have to abort the game by selecting menu "Save The Last Game" (or you could crash and then save)
3. Make sure you select "Freestyle" when saving, so it is easy to locate your game later
4. Submit your game 5. Find your game in your Freestyle games list, click "View" and submit it into the competition using checkbox
Note: The new Bike or Die v1.6a does not need registration to play the BoD 2 Title level (look for level #26 in the builtin levelpack)
Bike or Die v1.3g This update fixes the long standing bug in the submission procedure. It means that you may be able to submit your recordings directly from your palm even if it always failed in previous versions - try it!
Other improvements since last official release:
"Bike or Die" now supports proxy servers, which may help when your operator or ISP only allows for proxy web connections. (See: Menu -> Options -> Hall of Fame -> Set Proxy)
Treo 650 "Home" key can be disabled to prevent accidental quitting ("disable other buttons" in Control Options). You can still quit from menu or use the Home key after the game is finished.
Fixed "stuttering" on Tungsten T|X (using sampled sound caused the game to pause for a split of second whenever the "free-wheeling" sound effect was started)
A small update - v1.3c It is only relevant for the LifeDrive and Tungsten X owners - the old version failed to recognize the Left/Right/Select buttons. The BIG update with some new features taken from Ideas is planned before Christmas.
By selecting "Other..." in Control Options you can configure any button to perform the given action, even if it is not listed in the popup, like the alphanumeric Treo keyboard. This should work on all devices having additional buttons not known to "Bike or Die".
And 2 small changes:
Menu key is also blocked by "disable other keys" on Treo 650 (but shortcuts still work)
Menu+Q shortcut for "Quit" (very useful on Treo 650 with Home key disabled)
Spring Revival And yet it moves! Play the new Hall of Fame levelpack, gain ranking points, win gold medals and crush your competitors.
It's the Spring Revival time!
The game is basically identical to the Palm version. The main difference is that there are no buttons - everything is touchscreen-controlled.
See YouTube video
iPhone users play the same levels as Palm users and compete in the same Hall of Fame. However, it is not clear yet if the touchscreen control will prove good enough for the real world class champions. There is only one way to find out - play!
New feature: Restore your recordings It is now possible to redownload your best recordings by clicking a button in your player's profile (in "Games on-line").
This allows you to regain your best times, ghost bikes, and open all previously available levels, after losing your files or switching to a new device.
After installing the files in Palm you have to rebuild the results database manually. Start the game, type "rescue" (without quotes) + enter. Repeat for all levelpacks. (Omitting this step only restores the recorded games without marking the newly installed files as your best times)
iPhone/iPod users have to log into their player account in the mobile safari browser and use the "Download" button from there. Yes, this is also a way you can transfer your Palm recordings to iDevice
Scoring method changed Time Trial Champions and Levelpack Rankings are now calculated differently.
In general, the new method gives more points to average players. Until now, only top 99 players in each level could win more than one point in a level. Most players only gained 1 point and there was no difference between players below top 99.
Old method
Under new rules you always gain some ranking points by improving your position in the level. First 50 players get 1 point a rank, and each next 50 decreases the points/rank factor by half.
I made the traditional ranking graph showing the top 50 players changes during the last 12 months.
Congratulations to all who managed to reach top 50 this year
Introducing "Introduction" + updates The new Introduction levelpack becomes the starting pack in new BoD releases - easy and nice levels demonstrating basic gameplay features should help new players learn basic biking skills.
By the way, the following enhancements have been added:
"Need help? Click here!" hints how to complete a level and offers to replay the tutor ride (instead of starting the replay immediately)
Ghost bike uses the tutorial recording if a given levels was not yet completed
(Palm only) "rescue" can now handle multiple players' recordings
(Palm only) new "Go To Hall of Fame" menu option opens the Hall of Fame listing for the currently played level (or its Levelpack Explorer page if the level is not in HoF). I forgot to include this in the iPhone update, will be added in the next one.
If you downloaded the Winter Pack before, please delete it and download the current version, otherwise your scores won't be accepted into the Hall of Fame!
Players using the old Bike or Die v1.6, should upgrade to the most recent version 1.6b, earlier versions contained a bug that affected the radial gravity levels, which was not an issue until now - as the Winter Pack is the first Hall of Fame pack using radial gravity (see Planet Time Trial).
Do you prefer freestyle over time trial racing? The new competition has just started:
One Wheel Fun - "Save rubber, ride on one wheel!"
Is it possible to complete a level using just one wheel? Probably not, but can you go farther than anyone else?
Bike or Die! 2.1 I thought the iPhone version will appear first (it has been sent to AppStore few days ago) but the delay is longer than expected. I managed to compile the new Palm version in the meantime
- introducing "Save & Resume", as shown in the previously published video This means the game will be easier and less frustrating for new players - you don't need to play the level from the very beginning each time you die. However, you still have to complete the level in one go in order to submit your score to the Hall of Fame.
The new "automatic Save & Resume" feature is ON by default, which means you will experience it just by playing the game as usual. This might be not what you want if you are the experienced player struggling to get the best Hall of Fame score - read the Hints below to learn how to tame Save & Resume.
Note the "R" icon in the bottom right corner. It reminds you the current game has been resumed (so you won't be surprised you can not submit it later)
Restart the game twice in a row to get back to the beginning (making the game HoF-able again)
You can disable the automatic saving completely (see Control Options)
Even when auto saving is disabled, you can still save manually, anytime you want (press and hold Pause, or define a button in Control Options/Function)
The "R" icon is also displayed in level selector if a given level was only completed by resuming.
As a "side effect", the game is now also saved on quit (and resumed on the next start). Such feature was requested long time ago - after all, this is the standard Palm application behavior.
Palm only: Manual camera movement is now more usable - it stays in place after releasing the pen so you can look around more comfortably while playing. Wait a few seconds to shift back to normal. (iPhone version worked that way since 2.0)
Bug fixed in 2.1a (Palm)
levels completed by resuming did not unlock further levels
Bike or Die! is going to be easier! Most people who play the game for the first time complain on the very high difficulty level so i decided i have to do something.
The change is small but very influential: ability to save and resume the game. So now you don't have to play the level from the very beginning each time you die (this was the most frustrating for newbies!).
There are 2 ways to use this: the autosave algorithm saves the game after collecting a red flag or at any place considered "safe", so in many cases you don't have to do anything to benefit from the new feature. Those who want more control can also save the game anytime they want be pressing and holding the "pause" button.
But there is one catch: you still have to complete the level in one go, in order to submit your best score to the online competition. Changing this rule would be unfair to the people who already played long hours to get their Hall of Fame medals!
Most players are not affected.
Top gainers are: Sirinx (#559 to #529), ZAX (#353 to #337), DavidE (#450 to #435), Vega (#181 to #166), magnus (#374 to #359), Martyn (#571 to #561), oh my god (#576 to #561).
Loses are not that spectacular, with the biggest change of 4 ranks ( Kap #570 to #574)
CSV file is available for detailed analysis if anyone is interested
Additionally, the Head-to-Head links will no longer become invalid after making some games secret - now the page displays normally, just hiding the secret items.
Another improvement suggested by Xuzz is displaying links to other commented games in the "Related" section. This helps finding older comments for HoF games replaced by later submissions.