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Currently active competitions:
Freestyle Parade (Accepting submissions)
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Freestyle has changed! Now there are multiple competitions active for a limited time only. Each competition runs through 3 stages:

  • Submission: the rules are announced, players can submit their games. You cannot see the competitors at this stage

  • Voting: all games are revealed (but still without showing the player names). Players rate the games

  • Closed: After collecting all the votes we can declare the winners. All competitors and their scores are revealed.
  • 6 competitions on 2 pages: 1 2 >>>>

    The winner is:

    Freestyle Parade (Accepting submissions)
    Unlike other Freestyle categories, this one will be never closed. Just a place to show off your skills. No rules.

    The game you submit to "Freestyle Parade" is also displayed in your profile.

    See all competitors

    The winner is:

    Old Freestyle (Closed)
    These are the winners of the old Freestyle Competition.

    See all competitors

    The winner is:

    This is only for test purpose - submit anything here if you want.
    Results will be deleted before starting the REAL freestyle competitions so you won't retain a medal gained here, sorry

    See all competitors

    The winner is:

    The best recording(s) will be included in the Bike or Die 2 Intro!
    Show your most interesting, dynamic, unexpected and/or funny ride.
    Of course you have to play on  Bike or Die 2 Title. This level cannot be finished so it's ok to end by crashing. Use "Save The Last Game" to create recording file.

    See all competitors

    The winner is:

      mike flips
    "To boldly go where no one has gone before..." Try to reach seemingly inaccessible location in some level!

    See all competitors
    so sz,will we still be able to submit new freestyle games on the intro tommoro?because if we cant I am wasting my time......
    the counter will start displaying the exact number of hours (instead of days) when there are less than 24 hours left (so "N days" actually means "more than N*24" hours)
    Can we get new freestyle? I want, "Random, amazing, unreproducable stunts"
    Freestyle idea: "fixed" levels. special versions of Underground, Shelf, Downhill, Tatra (?), Equisplateral, Cactus, Eruption (?), etc. These would be like a mix of TTC and Freestlye Parade -- medals, won by the best times, but no points.

    This way we can see the ACTUAL level played out ? The incentive is the medals offered ?
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    ©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING