Download "Bike or Die!"
for PalmFree trial version"Bike or Die!" is shareware. This means you can try it for free.Then, if you like it, you should purchase the full version :-) The most recent version is:
for iPhone / iPod Touch The most recent version is ![]()
Lite Edition - Try Bike or Die for free! |
Alternate versions:
Bike or Die 2.0c - Spanish translation
La traducción al Español ha sido realizada por Ricardo Ramírez R. de Bogotá, Colombia.
- Visite el sitio de Ricardo
- Visite a Ricardo en Bike or Die!
Bike or Die 1.x
- BikeOrDie 1.6b - this old generation Bike or Die works on most Palm devices (including the ancient black&white ones)
Bike or Die 1.3c - Spanish translation
Bike or Die 1.3a - German translation
Bike or Die 1.3a - Italian translation
Bike or Die 1.3a - Czech translation
Bike or Die 1.2f - French translation
Bike or Die 1.2f - Dutch translation
Bike or Die 1.2f - Russian translation
Full version
The full version allows you to play all builtin levels and many more extra downloadable levels (see below).More levels
The 25 built-in levels is just the begining. Visit the Levelpack Explorer to see (and download!) all 201 levelpacks (containing 2963 levels) submitted by Bike or Die players!
Level editor
You can create your own levels, too!Download

Note: The editor is available for free and fully functional, however you need the full version of Bike or Die to play levels created using the editor.