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Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
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Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN...

(Over 300 levels have been released since the Sweet Fifteen levelpack was officiated.)

Around 70 levels have been nominated for the Hall of Fame. They are listed here:

These levels have been selected by several players (listed on the page). Anyone can add to this page if they want to, but I think it is fairly complete.

Now the list should be consolidated, until only 15 levels are left. Everyone should vote for or against the levels. The plan is to only have some levels with v1.4 features, because no one has mastered them yet.

mike flips
Suicidal Levels, Cutthroat Pack, Wristslitters Haven, Suicidal Dream, Suicide - The Old School Way, Death Pack, Dante's Revenge, Golden Oldies, Back to Basics, Time Warp, Back in Time, The Past (and other could be "The Future"), BOD - Reborn, Retro Pack, Back from the Dead...
Vega, I agree with your comment that I would rather have Red Sox 1 than Dirt Jumps.

The only thing I have been thinking about with Red Sox 1 is replacing the finish flag with a regular flag. That would give additional options for finishing the level. What do you think?
PMD - I will replace the finish flag with a red flag. Good idea Good suggestions Mike Flips
Mike - I was just reading through your name ideas ..... and I think they are hilarious. My favorite is wristslitters Haven . I will be laughing about that one for days And here I thought you were a little worried about offending someone

There are some nice mix possiblities here:
Old School Suicide
Retro Suicide
Old School Revenge
Old School Reborn
Wristslitter's Cutthroat Revenge of Suicidal Death

Anything is fine with me guys. Let's just pick one and I'll send it to Sz. Or I can send the list to Sz and let hime pick. Let's send him a list of our top 3 for Pack 1 and let him choose. Pack 2 is set as Next Generation

My top 3 votes are:
Old School Suicide
Old School Revenge
Old School Reborn

My Vote is just good old 'Old School'. It doesn't need to be jazzed up at all--it's old school.
I think I like "Old School Revenge" the best now. But I am fine if it settles in at just "Old School"
mike flips
I like Old School still, the 3 word names are just too much, and they dont really make that much sense. Old school is nice and simple. Bones, kris, anyone else?>
plain old 'old school' thats my pick
'Old School' is in the lead !!!!!! I like it. If nobody strongly objects to it by the end of the day, I will send the final packs (Old School & Next Generation) to Sz tonight !!!!! The only thing I have left to do is download 50M Swim and make it level #9. Then rename Pack 1 and Bammmmmm!!!!! Done

I have never really been involved in the release of a new pack, so I am not quite sure how it all works...but I was thinking.....maybe Sz should post it in the levepack explorer for download, but then wait like 3 days add it to the HoF for official submitting. This will give everyone a fair chance to download it and play it for a couple of days. Then everyone will be able to submit their times when it is released. Is that how you do it?
Those names are great. As soon as Sz adds the new levelpack to the Levelpack Explorer, the competition begins.
How does it begin? We won't be able to submit unless it's acutally part of the HoF right? Are you saying that he has the system setup so that once he posts that levelpack, it's immediately in the Hall and we can GO?! If so that's pretty slick. I thought he needed time to link up the levels for submission or something weird like that so they all get calculated into the ranking system. I'm still learning But that's cool I'll send it to him tonight!!
mike flips
No, Vega, as long as the pack name, level name, and level number (i think its these 3) remain the same, then we can start playing as soon as we get the pack. Then even if it is not yet hall of fame, or even if there are some changes that will be made to the pack, i think as these conditions are met, scores will be accepted. But Kris or Sz prob knows a bit more then i do.
Oh I know we can all start playing..... but is that what Kris means by 'the competition begins'? I thought he meant that it's in the HoF and you can submit right away! At any rate, I was just wondering
so are we going with the rulethat top ten cant submit for a week? i think it would be nice cause id have at least a gold for while
no way bones..... that's like being penalized for being in the top ten that's no good. You gotta compete with the best if you want to be recognized that way
sigh...i supposed tha t was what would happen. well my first concern is total race but after that(and it should only take 1 to 2 days)i will find a good level in both packs and go for a gold.
The New Deal was released as just another levelpack before it was added to the competition, but Sz will probably add these new packs to the competition as soon as he gets them. You can't submit recordings until they are part of the competition, but you can play the final levels that you already have and submit later.
I hope the second pack comes out about two weeks after the first one.
mike flips
2 weeks??? Maybe 2 months !!!
no way they shoul both be put in at once for two reasons.
one-it gives more people chances at medals.
two-ega will be the only one with the second pack giving him an unfair advantage.
i thought of a third- it gives a huge scamble to get to total race and keep medals in both packs
I agree with bones. I think both at the same time is more fun. It's kinda like having that mega pack that we talked about, except broken down into 2 packs for scoring and ranking purposes. Is there a reason why having them released at the same time is no good? Nobody would have any advantage or disadvantage over anyone else, so why not?
Go for the levels you want to And yes it would give more people a chance to get golds and high scores. It will boost more players' confidence and be good for the game!! Besides bones is right. If we wait 2 weeks, I will post ridiculous gold times and gain all levels points while you all try to catch up for 2 weeks lost
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING