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Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN...

(Over 300 levels have been released since the Sweet Fifteen levelpack was officiated.)

Around 70 levels have been nominated for the Hall of Fame. They are listed here:

These levels have been selected by several players (listed on the page). Anyone can add to this page if they want to, but I think it is fairly complete.

Now the list should be consolidated, until only 15 levels are left. Everyone should vote for or against the levels. The plan is to only have some levels with v1.4 features, because no one has mastered them yet.

i vote for pmd's idea
kris should tell us which ones
Good idea to have Kristopher divvy them out. I'll be glad to play some of them. Just let me know which ones. I will do Red Sox 1 and Dirt Jumps since they came from my pack.
Ok. Kris why don't you assign the levels in chunks to the voters. I'll play anything
i think its a good idea to have the creators of the levels play them if they voted so i'll do mine and whatever kris assigns me. oh and vega if you played bacon eggs sausage and toast you would realize it is a fast fun level
It will be best if you can play the levels, use the Flashtool ( ) to make the movies, name the movies by number (I.E. 389.swf), then email them to me. I could do that myself, but it would take awhile for 68 levels.

(Actually, Mikes level is in there twice.)

If you can't get to the level by completing the previous level, use Bike or Design to save the level in a new pack, then play it in that new pack. You can't save the recordings if you just test the level in Bike or Design.

___ 389 Steps
___ 458 Christmas
___ 545 Pazos Track
___ 565 Leap of faith
___ 661 Insane
___ 671 Freestyle
___ 781 Village
___ 789 RFK.1.002-Sepang
___ 791 RFK.1.004-Imola
First person who volunteers
___ 805 RFK.1.018-Suzuka
___ 835 RFK.2.048-PoolParty
___ 875 Inside bulding
___ 877 Welcome to the Jungle
___ 881 Save the Princess!!
___ 1033 Leap of faith
___ 1079 Borszczuks Delight
___ 1133 how did i get myself into this mess
___ 1139 Most Entertaining Level
___ 1214 Gun
___ 1313 Triple High Jump
___ 1317 50m Swim
___ 1344 Dirt Jumps
___ 1346 Red Sox 1
___ 1368 Smeeagle
___ 1380 Spirit
___ 1393 Snake
___ 1400 Dantes
___ 1421 On The Town
___ 1423 Hand-Drawn Cave
___ 1426 Hands in the Air
___ 1428 Bikes Float
___ 1435 Ice Skating
___ 1436 Welcome
___ 1437 Winter in Toyspring
___ 1439 Funnel on Top
___ 1440 Skipping Stones
___ 1441 Ribbon
___ 1444 Extreme Sport
Second person who volunteers
___ 1445 Ribbon Loses Gravity
___ 1452 Aim!
___ 1458 Pit and the Pendulum
___ 1462 Mars
___ 1468 Ice Machine
___ 1479 Maze Mission #10
___ 1488 Maze Mission #19
___ 1500 like a glove
___ 1515 I love everyone
___ 1517 can you bike right?
___ 1526 bones
___ 1527 Mikes Level
___ 1529 bacon eggs sausuge and toast
___ 1533 baseball
___ 1535 so close to so far
___ 1552 Puzzle
___ 1597 Gray Uphill Battle
___ 1600 Hill Marathon
___ 1605 Extreme Curves
___ 1611 Flying Coaster
Third person who volunteers
___ 1613 Mini Pipe Challenge
___ 1616 House Storming
___ 1622 FBI: Hidden Lair
___ 1647 alphabet
___ 1650 Mikes Level
___ 1654 Jive in the Five
___ 1655 Toronto Maple Leafs
___ 1656 Into the Tunnels
___ 1657 Mario 1-1
___ 1660 The Challenger
I want Welcome to the Jungle, Inside building, Save the Princess and Suzuka!
Oh I see, you mean a separate person will play these other ones. Duh!

k but I think I might play the ones I named just for kicks.
mike flips
I can do the chunk with my levels, minus alphabet cuz Vega wanted it.

Vega did you download the new mario and play it yet??? or are you still on the old one?! I made it really easy for newer players i thot, i dont see how you cant beat it, unless its the older version.

PMD, i looked at Red Sox or as Vega called it Red Sex (i wonder what that is?) and its pretty fun once you get better at it. Normally i like mostly shorter levels but it looks like a possibility for me now.

As for voting, i have to go through my votes again. I dont know if i even got through half cuz it was taking so long.
shouldnt i do alphabet since i created it?
it's all you bones!
YAY! thanks for letting me have alphabet but if you really don't like bacon, eggs sausage, and toast or you think thso close to so far thing is possible then download either of the packs that they are in and play and see.(i'd really like to be sure that it can't be done.)
also i have already done most of the ones you gave me kris. i think between vega,kris,pmd,mike, and i we can do all 60 nominations because a lot of them have already been completerd by us in the past
Kris - I just sent all my replays to your email. Let me know when you get them. I also did Welcome to the Jungle, Save the Princess, Suzuka and Inside building!
You should have mine too. Let me know if you didn't get them.
The web pages have been moved to:
Kris - You are like seriously the coolest person I know.......and I don't even really know somethin.
I add this page with Vega's version of Borszczuk's (Half) Delight:
mike flips
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING