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Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

YAY I'm buying a new phone tomorro...
Registration Code Recovery I recently got a new Palm Pilo...
CHAT Sz, since your back... We a...
No more Palm My zire crapped out on me and ...
YAY I got used Zire!! YAY!!! But I...
Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and T... (Over 300 levels have been rel...
I'm Using Web 2.0 Now!! I started working with PHP yes...
New Treo? I have no Palm now :( and not ...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...



I got used Zire!! YAY!!! But I got a problem, I LOST THE REGISTRATION CODE FOR BoD!!!! What do i do??

mike flips
Email Sz and he will help you sort out your problem.
You are not the only person who has lost their code. Everyone should save a list of codes on their computer, or save the email with the code.
my code is also my homepage on this site so i dont forget it if i need it. and since no one knows my hotsync i am all good.
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING