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Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN...

(Over 300 levels have been released since the Sweet Fifteen levelpack was officiated.)

Around 70 levels have been nominated for the Hall of Fame. They are listed here:

These levels have been selected by several players (listed on the page). Anyone can add to this page if they want to, but I think it is fairly complete.

Now the list should be consolidated, until only 15 levels are left. Everyone should vote for or against the levels. The plan is to only have some levels with v1.4 features, because no one has mastered them yet.

In case I did not make it clear, once the list of nominations is consolidated, the nominated levels will hopefully be added to the Hall of Fame in the tenth offical levelpack.
does it show on the page who nominated them?? if so it might not be a good thing cause popularity could play a part
Yes, it does.
The original nominations were done privately, so they were unaffected by popularity. Now, it is good to show popularity, because if a level was selected by three different people, then it must be good, and people should consider that level more.
I added a voting form to the page. Now each level has "Vote Yes" and "Vote no" options. (This is the best way to select the best levels on the page, because you can vote on all of the levels without having to load a different web page for each level). Once you have voted for every level, you can go to the bottom of the page, and submit all of your votes at once. If at least 5 people can vote on all of the levels, I can probably pair the list down quite easily.
mike flips
need a "maybe" option to select, as in, if there arent enough for sures, its a backup level to go in.
If you want to vote "Maybe," then vote "No." People should vote "No" on 2/3 of the levels, because if people keep voting "Yes" and "Maybe", then the list won't be consolidated.
Oops! Three levels didn't get any votes because the apostrophes in their names caused errors with the Javascript!

Borszczuk's Delight
Mike's Level

This is fixed now.

Four people have voted, but they have not voted for all of the levels, so I think the scoring could change a fair bit. The older levels aren't getting very many votes, but they should!

Current scoring for the nominated levels is here:

I was just now trying to vote and the webpage was loading painfully slow. But it's probably the computer I am using so I will log on later from another location. I submitted for several levels but did not get thru the whole list. I don't know if it saved my recordings so I will vote again later today. By the way, my levels are not on there. Is that because I haven't officially released them or something? Or is it just because they suck that bad . Anyway what's up with 'Christmas' not scoring well. That level is seriously one of the coolest I've seen
mike flips
I didnt like christmas that much...

i voted for about half the levels because it was really really slow.
After the page loads, it should be quite fast - click to vote, then click [Down to Next Level].

All votes are listed here:

i just voted for all levels since i couldnt sleep and i think a 1,2,3 thing would be better for things like this. also a chat on bod to discuss the order of the levels when they are established will be needed

p.s. kris i have firefox on all computer
Are these voting links updated or not quite yet? So far I am very surprised by the results. Many levels that I think highly of are lagging big time and many that are doing well surprise me too.

Should be doing better:
Red Sex 1
Ice Skating
So close to so far
Pit & Pendelum
House Storming

Surprised they are doing so good!
bacon eggs sausage toast
Grey Uphill battle
Dirt Jumps
Triple High Jump - clever idea, but like Kris I am surprised it's #1.
Mario 1-1 - ONLY because I still can't beat it! This level modified to be less frustrating would be a top choice for me
Kris is anyone else going to be voting? We need more of a spread here. I think at least 10 voters isn't to much to ask for. Having only 4-5 people voting for these seems too personal. By the way, please please don't take my comments as a slam against any of the people that have made these levels. From my recent time invested and experience in creating levels, I know each level takes time to create. All levels nominated have some value
Yay Firefox!
I don't think people would take full advantage of more rating options. People should vote 'Yes' for the 15-20 levels they want in the new pack (because there won't be more than that many levels officiated), and should vote 'No' on the rest. Some people are just guessing without playing the level, so they would be guessing if there were more than 'Yes' and 'No' choices.
BTW, I do want most people to 'No' for the 'Maybe', but, if they really want to, they can just not vote on a certain level.
BTW...P.S. I will update voting text files shortly... two more voters.
Oh, and I beat Mario. Use the Outline display mode because there are invisable lines.
I voted for every level and now that I think about it, I wish I would have done a 'no vote' for a few. I like that a no vote is one negative point because it's a way for you to opt out if you don't have a strong opinion of that particular level. This would be more pure because an undecided opinion should not weigh as much as a strong opinion and then all actual votes would reflect more accurate ratings since that person would have had to really want the level to put yes and really NOT want it to put no. I am going to go back and redo my votes with this in mind
-> Yes Vote = +4 points
-> No Vote = -5 points
-> Did not Vote = -1 points

I can change the weighting if you want. To cancel your vote for a level, click on the button next to that level in the Table of Contents.
the only thing I would change is that a 'yes' should equal +5 points
I think one of the problems with the voting is that I we are most likely voting without playing the level. It would help if we could see a replay of someone playing the level (like you supplied Kristopher), or a level pack we could download that had them all in one pack, so we could try them out without downloading and finding every level.

I know that I didn't vote for many of them because I was just not sure how it would play or how long the levels might be. I don't want another Cave Dweller.
Doublepost--sorry. Maybe we could divide up the the levels amongst us (so we don't have to play them all) and play them, make a recording of them, and send the recordings to Kristopher to post. It would make it a lot easier to make a decision on a level and vote.

Without it, it is like voting on a political candidate with only looking at their picture and not seeing how they operate.
PMD, you have a great idea. Kris and I actually discussed this same idea a couple of weeks ago. Kris - Is there a way these could be downloaded in one level pack? (or split into 2 or 3 since there are so many). If not, I will gladly play a handful and submit them.

I'll play and submit to Kris the following:

Welcome to the Jungle
Pit and the Pendelum
Like a glove
So close to so far
House Storming

Keep in mind there are several levels that are already viewable......Dante's, Ice Skating, and all of the levels that Kris put replays out on the temp pages!

©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING