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Since: 23 Feb 2007

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Superman Returns

Wow, top four are all one frame apart!
Ice Skating

GRR SHANE! Now I have to play this level again!
Mike's Level

you know i still love how i was the one to discover this trick. it makes me happy to know that

Jive in the Five


I was speaking in general, as in, if you try to put a limit on another level, we (some of the players) may prove you wrong again.
FBI: Hidden Lair

nevermind, now i just got 21,06
50m Swim

this level is easy in zoom out mode
Mario 1-1

this level will get down under 40.XX
Can You Bike Right?

obviously it dident work
Note: this levelpack will be added to the Hall of Fame shortly (perhaps after some adjustments). See also:  Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN...
Theoretically yes, but there are two problems. My friend has no hotsynch on his computer. I hve no hotsynch on mine (this is a new one), and I have no means of installing the necessary software to hotsynch and nor do my friends. To further complicate matters, the golds are on various palms. If all goes well I'll submit a few soon, maybe even on Thursday. Wish me luck

Note to SZ: When I submit, several will be saved as various of my friends, such as _alex_ or Kenzo. These are my times, but I saved them on their palms, under their names, as I had no intention of continuing to submit. Please transfer them to my account, I will comment on the ones that are mine. They can verify these claims.
mike flips
For Pirates though, we already know what to do, just gotta peice it together. Its not a bad offer but im just saying theres no hidden tricks in these levels that we will discover when you open them. Its just really fast.
I hear you Mike. And that's fine. Maybe one day I will open my games. But tricks aren't the only thing I look for. Sometimes speed and technique in certain areas become very apparent when running H2H games. Even 2 identical routes can reveal what changes need to be made if red bike jumps out in front of blue bike by 2 bike lengths and then red drops behind blue by 1 bike length and then red regains to win by 1 bike length. That would be an improvement potential factor of at least 5 bike lengths for either player with no new tricks, but you won't know that if you don't see the H2H.

Anyway, since I made those 4 levels, I would love to see someone beat my times. I am glad Lee has chosen to really dig into King Kong. His game displays very well how playable the level is, which is what I was aiming for. The levels I don't like are the ones that feel 'impossible' to duplicate a good run even if you know what to do.

But I can only imagine what you and Cir are planning for NxGen. Neither of you have posted "Mike" or "Cirenco" like times for my 4 levels. (except for Mike's 19.52 on Superman). I have seen enough of how you guys do things that I suspect a surprise is on the horizon
Gus - Why would you save under _alex_ or Kenzo under ** ANY ** circumstances under the sun? I don't understand this whole "friends playing for friends" thing. If you are truly playing on another plam, when you save a replay, it gives you a chance to enter a different name, no? You say that you had no intention of submitting uder your name, so was this going to be submitted under _alex_ eventually? Hardly seems ok to do if you ask me. If someone else plays on my plam, like "VegaWife" or "VegaDad", I always have them switch their name if they want to save a replay. Likewise I never save my replys under their name.

I am not trying to open a can of worms with you Gus. I like having you back active again, and I think you are a great addition to BoD, but cmon man, this situation of yours seems far fetched to say the least. You must be a sharp guy of sound mind to obtain the times that you do, so I know that re-typing your name into the palm is not above your capability. Signing in to your "Gus" account to comment on "Gus" games is not to difficult to manage either, but it has been a great challenge for you on several occasions when you sign in as Alex and comment as Gus. Sorry but that's very strange
I open all of my games in the vain hope that I'll get to see something cool from somebody else... given that I'm not really top 10 material, except that I have played all of the games.
But I can see how protecting a top spot might be motivating some people to keep their games secret.
Still - I'm up for anything that gives us a chance to see more of the fast flowing fun that is BoD.
Gus, if you lived here, you could get an MP3 player for $10 that doubles as an SD card reader, then use that to submit. USA is very nice like that.

I opened some Silvers; those games could easily be improved to Golds, but I don't like to open my games until someone else has played a level as well as I have.
mike flips
If the name of the other person is already there i can understand why it is saved under the wrong name. When i beat a time i immediately click the "ok" on the white screen to save the recording. Its just a habit that i have.

As for your 4 levels Vega, i havent really spent much time on them. Im sure i can beat superman pretty easily.

As for saving up a lot of golds... i wish i could say i was doing that but i really havent touched BoD that much since a month ago. Hopefully ill get a few golds here and there.
Sometimes if i play too enthusiastically, when i reach the finish flag and beat the record, i still press the move forward button or brake button and the result is: the game saved in a blank name. That really makes me mad and there is no other way to change it except beat that record once again.
So to avoid that things happen, usually if i have a good run, i will be very carefull and not full speed at the end so if i reach the flag i will not over push the unwanted button.

Vega, don't be mad like that. I believe after this Gus will save the record under his own name. Since he has told us that he played just for fun and no intention to submit, so why bother change the name since it is his friend's palm. Is that correct Gus??

Gus if you save your gold time under my name, i can reject it.
I'm not mad at all Henoch. And yes I know that if you press the button to quickly, you can accidentally save it under the wrong name. I just wonder why it happens so often with Gus and Alex and friends. I am just really not a fan of people playing for other people. the worst case I have ever seen of this is when 'lol' learned how to play RSP2 very well and he was getting all his friends top ten spots on demand and pushing down everyone else. That would be like me playing for 9 different people and pushing Mike Flips to #11 on Double Sprint.

I am not saying Gus does that. It's just a good example that you need to just play for yourself under your own username and submit your own scores. Not trying to be the BoD police here, but this is simple stuff to me. A few exceptions.... sure. Everybody has got to understand that there is always room for exceptions, but why time and time again. I don't understand. It makes me wonder if Alex and Gus teamed up on their levels. So if Alex is really good at a certain level and Gus is just ok, Alex would acheive 2 great times and put one under Gus and one under Alex. Then maybe Gus is better at a different level and plays it for Alex. I did not so quickly forget that the entrance of _alex_ was accompanied by quite a bit of controversy. He played for Magnus on Snowstorm (see the Magnus game with 80 zillion comments about this). Alex was apparantly doing this type of thing with several players that he coordinated with thru private message. I mean cmon seriously. We all work very hard to acheive great times in this game. It's not my fault that alex participated in that situation and it's not ludicrous to say that my comments about this are warranted.

I have no idea if Gus is doing anything like that here. I would not make that assumption. After all, it was _alex_ that hacked into Gus's account, not Gus that hacked into _alex_'s. I hope you are not mad at me Gus.
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