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12 comments on 2 pages:
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|  |  | Yeah, this was just a bit of fun last sunday afternoon. I started after lunch and by the evening I had this. Just a couple of the levels are challenging. I am onften fed up with difficult levels. Little, easy, fun levels seem to be a bit scarce these days if you want them.  |
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|  |  | in my opinion theys levels look like snakbiyte and meditate might have hof potential |
|  |  | Hmm... I really didn't intent this for HoF. My work-in-prgress level pack IS intnended for the HoF, but I am not going to cry if it doesn't make it. Much. |
|  |  | I enjoyed this levelpack. Good Job PiNerd. I beat most levels with only one try. Spider's lair was more challenging than it looked.
Meditate and Blade Mountain are really cool - It's easy to go slow, but is more challenging if you're trying to get a fast time.
Bane of the Dragon was fairly challenging - I failed 16 times trying to get from his neck to his chin. Once you get past that, it's not too bad.
Boat trip took 10 times to beat.
I was concerned when I saw the map for Battleship about how I would get over onto the boat and over the pole. Only took 1 try.
|  |  | Cool. I am glad this got such a good reception, I wasn't expecting so many positive comments! I tried to make these levels mainly short and fun with nothing to stop you playing because of two hard levels stuck together. Boat Trip with Bane of the Dragon was probably not the best combination but it doesn't look like it caused too many problems. Anyway, I AM NOT RELEASING ANY MORE LEVEL PACKS FOR BIKE OR DIE 1.6. My next on ewill be BoD 2 compatible, whenever that comes out. |
|  |  | your levels look good and are easy,making them very popular for downloading,and kinda fun to play(tho I myself have not yet had a chance to download them)my levels are just as fun(mostly)but mine dont look as good,and so people dont downlaod them ,evan after laser and bones(2 people who usuallydon''t like me{actually bones does now but dident at the time})but any way my next pack will look better.....but I wont be making another pack for a while because I need to get my rank higher(another thing that will make people download my levels,who knows how you got them to downlaod yours anyway....) |
|  |  | Your first levels felt a little unfinished, and the colours were ver eccentric. Reasonably fun though, apart fro when you got to the spin one and I havent got past there. |
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