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7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

BOD on Centro? My beloved Treo has died. Or ...
So............................... Whats going on with that one g...
How many hands do you use to p... How many hands do you use to p...
Happy Holidays I will likely be off forums (b...
Best Head-to-Heads A few eight-ways that were rea...
Pi Nerds Recite your pi:3.1415926535397...
Favorite Levels Although I am familiar with al...
Funny study Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% o...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...


Best Head-to-Heads

A few eight-ways that were really cool to start with .

what h2h's do you like?

31 comments on 2 pages: 1 2 >>>>
I like nine because i am in it
I've always loved the idea of watching multi-H2Hs, are these just image overlays Xuzz? Or do you have some magic utility now?
I coded the feature into the replays, but Sz hasn't added it to the main site quite yet (I hope he will soon )...
Yeah, that would be kinda sweet, to be ableto watch like 8 at once..or more

Like we could have a whole section of the site for it, with a new level every month, and we all submit games for it, then there all put into one H2H and...well it would be awsome! espetially, if nobody could veiw them at all till the end of the month!
Only up to eight right now, but that is just because I ran out of colors .
This will be very cool to watch. So can only you watch these multiple h2hs at the moment?
You can too, just download and install XAMPP from , then find the HTDOCS folder on your comptuer, and put a file that i send you in that folder. Then download the swf of the level you want to watch and put it in a LVSWF folder under HTDOCS (the swf is the view fullscreen link on the main level page). Next, download games from that level by watching the game, then changing the url to say "movie.php" instead of "game.php" and adding "& o=1" to the end of the url, giving you a file that you need to save in the HTDOCS folder. Repeat that for all the runs you want to h2h. Then run XAMPP and click START on all the servers. Then type in this url, but replace the [NUM]FILENAME with the names of the actual files to http://localhost/repl ay.php?replay=FIRSTFILENAME& replay2=SECONDFILENAME& replay3=THIRDFILENAME and so on up to eight.

Get that ?
Wow - thanks Xuzz, I'll have go - I hope Sz gets there first though!
Xuzz, why not just put the replays on your own server, then link to them? Oh, you don't have a server?
Actually, I could let you RDC into my server and install it there, but you'll have to wait two weeks until I'm out of school.
It needs the Ming PHP extension, and BOTH ( ) my servers don't have it and i don't want to bother installing it...but if your server does then I can give it to you for sure .
I also just sent to Sz a possible addition to have the BoD music in the background of replays, if Sz wants to add it .
Carl China
Carl China
Good xuzz! Shout Sz use Head to Head more bikes!
J just used Xuzz'z software to view the top 8 Big Cheese riders in H2H - so cool to watch, I hope Sz can add this to the site.
finally, it's done!
 Multiple Head to Head!
This tool is AWESOME! Thanks Sz and Xuzz!

Here are a couple of cool H2Hs:
  • Top 8 fastest viewable on Hill Marathon:  Vega vs. 7 others (jxjx was in the lead most of the run, but sacrificed momentum in the end.)
  • Top 8 fastest viewable on Touch Bricks:  Vega vs. 7 others (Vega got the hole-shot and never looked back)
  • mike flips
    Wow i love where half the bikes jump and the other half dont. Reminds me of that scene in 2 Fast 2 Furious where they jump off the bridge and one guy flies over the other guy in mid air.
    Touch Bricks has so many wheels in the air.
    Bike or Pi looks really cool. Here are the 8FV (fastest viewable):  Mr.pickle. vs. 7 others

    It looks like some sort of an invasion as everyone drops at the beginning. Pickle is the winner (until Spence opens his game )
    Sz,could you make it so we can comment on multiple head2 head's?
    ©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING