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 New Deal (2616)
 Old School (2249)
6. Steps (427)
12. Snake (532)
 BikeForce (1254)

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Old School
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#1 Andrew A1714 pts
#2 Kristopher1653 pts
(61 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 Kamirashi1628 pts
(25 pts behind Kristopher)
#4 Vega1622 pts
(6 pts behind Kamirashi)
#5 Xuzz1622 pts
(0 pts behind Vega)
#6 BikerBrian1563 pts
(59 pts behind Xuzz)
#7 mike flips1527 pts
(36 pts behind BikerBrian)
#8 casey1450 pts
(77 pts behind mike flips)
#9 Tyler1432 pts
(18 pts behind casey)
#10 Shane1427 pts
(5 pts behind Tyler)
Note: Make sure you have the final version of this levelpack (delete the old one if you tried the preliminary, non-Hall of Fame versions)
mike flips
Kris, you havent submitted in a while. I hope (for your sake) you arent playing any more of these levels...
Yes because Vega is about to pounce! Sounds like Mike is too. Old School will feel like child's play compared to Coal Miner DeathGrip

mike flips
Im like poised for attack. One more of my golds goes and b0000m
It took you long enough to prepare. I've gotten more Golden Club points from this levelpack than anyone else, and if all three of you (including Cirenco) submit at the same time, I probably won't be so far behind.
I haven't played these levels since I submitted, but I will be back because I could easily beat most of my times.
mike flips
Who cares about how many golden club points youve gotten from this pack? I bet if i took all the golden club points that i could have had but didnt submit when i got the gold (when we took down dk/tabs for example) i would be closing in on the top 20
Just noticed Kris has a medal on every level of this pack. That appears to be a unique acheivement at the moment, even the great MikeF doesn't have a pack with a medal on every level. Vega's getting close on Standard though!
Until very recently, I had a medal in every level of NexG and I will again soon. I am also revisting Old School, so we'll see what happens
mike flips
I used to on multiple packs
A medal on every level deserves a medal in itself
YouQi is back =o
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