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 New Deal (2616)
 Old School (2249)
6. Steps (427)
12. Snake (532)
 BikeForce (1254)

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Old School
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#1 Andrew A1714 pts
#2 Kristopher1653 pts
(61 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 Kamirashi1628 pts
(25 pts behind Kristopher)
#4 Vega1622 pts
(6 pts behind Kamirashi)
#5 Xuzz1622 pts
(0 pts behind Vega)
#6 BikerBrian1563 pts
(59 pts behind Xuzz)
#7 mike flips1527 pts
(36 pts behind BikerBrian)
#8 casey1450 pts
(77 pts behind mike flips)
#9 Tyler1432 pts
(18 pts behind casey)
#10 Shane1427 pts
(5 pts behind Tyler)
Note: Make sure you have the final version of this levelpack (delete the old one if you tried the preliminary, non-Hall of Fame versions)
even if that is true and you saw mos of these levels for the first time it is only your fault. due to kris's site and the pack before hof you chose not to play them.i myself did the same thing. besides its not a disadvantage look at where you guys sit in the pack.
mike flips
well our skills outweigh the disadvantage right kris?
mike flips
if i could play now for 30 min i think id have 14/15

too bad... but ill be back later
Wow! I haven't logged on all day and haven't had the time to play at all today either. Very busy weekend for me But round 2 of my posting is coming soon..... and it will be brutal for sure
PHEAR my single silver medal! for the time being...... until I'm knocked out.
6 Golds! I still have a chance at this pack!!!
Out of curiosity, how much are you all able to play in an average day? I would say I have the time to play maybe 1 hour per day. On weekend, may 2 hours per day. The weekdays kill me though. I watch all you guys post all these games and I just don't seem to have the time to play very much. Also, with the time I spent on helping make Old School and NxGen, I neglected several other things that I really shouldn't have. I suppose if I was like in highschool or college or something with less life responsibilites I could play much more. Oh well. I think I am going to develop a way to clone myself so one of me can do life and the other can just play BoD, eat, sleep, play BoD, eat, sleep, play BoD, eat, sleep.....
mike flips
I dont play more then u Vega, i wish i could play more also...

my trick is that i focus when i am playing. If there is something that is wrong with the run i hit the menu button and press center to restart. I probably play 3 x the games a normal person does in the same amount of time because any slight mistake is a restart. I dont play out the level once i do something wrong
I think I set a record Saturday, playing about six hours. Usually, I can only play two hours a day.
Whether you spend time mastering this pack, or don't have time to, you still want more time!!
mike flips
no wonder kris... i havent even touched my palm today

hopefully after this coming weekend ill have some good new times, i know i can beat everything, its just a matter of when
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