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11. Malysz (2667)
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19. U Jump (2142)
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#1 Andrew A2873 pts
#2 Vega2824 pts
(49 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 mike flips2707 pts
(117 pts behind Vega)
#4 Shane2598 pts
(109 pts behind mike flips)
#5 Kamirashi2509 pts
(89 pts behind Shane)
#6 Mr Floss2452 pts
(57 pts behind Kamirashi)
#7 BikerBrian2436 pts
(16 pts behind Mr Floss)
#8 Kristopher2380 pts
(56 pts behind BikerBrian)
#9 Laser2379 pts
(1 pts behind Kristopher)
#10 PMD2358 pts
(21 pts behind Laser)
135 comments on 14 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 ... 11 12 13 14 >>>>
I downloaded it and it works well.
Mr Floss
Does Szymon have much to do with this game any more? I bought the iPhone 5s and the game bike or die is small on the screen... That would mean it's obviously small for the iPhone 5 as well. Why not update it? I can no longer submit my new times for bike or die either. It always says "recording rejected..." And these are new times for the level U Jump. I wonder if it's because it's a new device that I'm submitting from???
I have the 5 as well and have not noticed any such problems, it plays in full screen and submits fine.
Mr Floss
The game itself plays in full screen, but leaves a large black/blank border to the left and right of the game. The game is not wide enough for the 5 or the 5s.
I know what you mean about "filling the screen". I've been playing on the 5 for a year and the 5S since it came out. I have become quite used to it. I wonder if filling the screen would require a stretching of the playing field.

As for submitting games from a 5/5S, I've never had an issue. I would love to help. If your time on U Jump is faster than 20:54, I suggest that you change the name on the file to BikerBrian and send it to me. I will give the upload a try from my end.
Mr Floss - Try going to this website and clicking on your profile and then on "unauthorized games". The new device might be causing some issues and not allowing the new submissions.
Mr Floss
Lol, no thanks BikerBrian! It was low 21's anyways, so it's a top 50 at best.

Yes, I was thinking with the 5/5s that Szymon might just allow us to see more of the level instead of stretching anything?

And I'm going to try that right now sPiDeR. I've checked the unauthorized games already, but maybe there's something in there I missed the first time. As for now I'll just play on my 4s when I'm looking to break more records!!! jk
Mr Floss
I had to delete the App and re-download it. It works fine now! For some reason the transfer from my iPhone 4s to the 5s didn't work so well...? O-well, the upgrade was worth it!
Mr Floss
I think Szymon gave up on this game completely... I can no longer submit my games on my iPhone. Bike or Die needs a serious update, because it's software is outdated, but I'm pretty sure that will not be happening.... : ( No more submitting for me.
I had the same problem after updating to iOS8. However, you can still upload one game at a time under "Browse my games".
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