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7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

Pi Nerds Recite your pi:3.1415926535397...
Favorite Levels Although I am familiar with al...
Funny study Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% o...
Politics Wow! I stirred up a hornets ne...
How to play in Simulator Hey, I just installed the palm...
C ya for a bit I'm off to Japan for about a m...
Smiley Art :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...

Kristopher, Gone! has moved!!????

It seems that they've joined with PocketGear.
I don't like it.
My review on the Bike or Die! product page is not listed.
Either the search feature is bugged, or my Bike levels are not listed there. (If you search for "Bike" in the games section, the 10th result will be a "Screen Prefs" utility.)

"While we have eliminated much of the outdated and freeware listings, actively selling current titles have been migrated to the new PocketGear."
As if extorting 40% of sales wasn't enough, now they don't even feel obligated to offer freeware.

I was going to upload my latest levels to Palmgear as I have done in the past, but I get the impression such freeware will get lost in this commercial site.

I suppose if I had read their last email more carefully, I could have seen this coming in October...

yeah... they have wasted their biggest advantages: famous palmgear brand (the first and the best palm software site in the early palm history), dozens of links no longer link to the products, no archival reviews, no freeware (at least for now)... and the standard palm-sized screenshots look ugly in 240x240

the good old palmgear will live in our memories forever... and in the internet archive
wierdI evan got a few games from palmgear(Most of my games are from astraware or clickgamer)
I searched in all categorys for bike or die and it came up with of cource bike or die,and then "bike or die level pack 1"does that not already come with the game????and they were charging 2.99 for it how weird is that?
That is one of the oldest levelpacks. Since there were not very many levels when it was made, the author took the liberty to charge for it.
And for that reason, it was moved from Palmgear, and my levels were not.
My products totaled 5000-8000 downloads, and now the hit counters are gone.
Maybe I'll try to upload everything to Clickgamer.
dang...they had a crazy amount of software too... i used it through which is now access-company. i believe thats where i first found Bod. it looks like pocketgear has almost no software compared to palmgear...not even any freeware or shareware...sad
Too bad; I got my Palm Simulator from Palmsource.
I think I'll upload that sometime so others can use it.
really? ive been looking for one... is it the one that only works with palm os 4?
My 3 freeware products which were listed aren't there anymore... The old links are not redirected at all... You'll have to do a new search for the program on the pocketgear site! This is not only bad for us, but also for Palm! The site which had most of the software easily available, is just gone! They probably just didn't make enough money from palm software anymore, could that be?
I was just looking around PocketGear and can't find the Bike or Die product page. Well, except for linking through my account / past purchases / old PalmGear 'locker' and viewing the archived site.
Found it using Google; it appears that the search engine on the site doesn?t work! And now it tells me to continue browsing because BoD is incompatible with my Treo 680
Please tell me if you find a good complaint forum.
56 is back!
at least it looks like Palmgear
Do you think they missed us?

WOOOT! And it looks like they have all that apps that disappeared before.
Now their site looks really old.
Regarding a Palm simulator, I have a PalmOS 6 one. It runs most things well, and you can run BoD in any resolution you want by editing the .ini file that determines the system values.

I put it on my website so it can be found at
I have the OS 6 one too, but I found it was slower and as then less useful for BoD since it is running in Parallels desktop for me .
Is there a way to get BoD 2 to work in the simulator?
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING