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Golden Club
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...120 ...130 ...138
#1 mike flips282811 days
#2 Andrew A194137 days
#3 BikerBrian116501 days
#4 Vega104090 days
#5 Laser93729 days
#6 Kristopher74501 days
#7 Spence67262 days
#8 Kamirashi67181 days
#9 Kenn46653 days
#10 Tabs45175 days
Scoring: Each day you own a gold medal gives you one point.
Smalls passed rachman!
hmm the solution is to stop sapporting stupid invirementalist and get rid of healthcare and welfare
the government isent saposed to take care of us but to simply defend and ensure the laws(accoording to my government book in school)

and then we can make gay marriage illegal as well as abortion!That would be my kind of country but alas it will never happen.............
Wow. You are really out on a limb with some of those comments Pickle. I agree with most of what you are saying, but your spelling is as bad as ever here dude.

btw... to Xuzz. This is a world wide forum, so I realize that some people here are from other countries and other economies, but where I come from (America), you can make as much $$ as you'd like. Free Enterprise baby! Tax breaks for rich people is an awesome idea. It promotes success and growth. Also, what do rich people spend their money on? Everything! That's good for the economy. Everyone else eventually benefits from rich people spending tons of dough. I am not a greedy person, but I don't subscribe to the broke lifestyle mentality. I have too many dreams and goals, extending beyond myself, and even well beyond my entire family.

Nice GC comments eh?
Perhaps this is getting a little out of hand.
@Vega: I'm in San Francisco (I only put Botswana because then I can easily compare with my friend Yuzz and because it looks good with my avatar ). Oh, and about the tax breaks......look what they have done to the economy . I think that anyone can see that we are in a worse state than when Bush took office.......

@Pickle: Let me convince you on chat sometime (Vega too if you agree with him ).

@All from the US: I don't know who you support, but there is no way that I am letting the people on BoD support McCain and Palin without a fight .

Idea: Off-topic forum -- Like the Cafe, but posts don't show up in the all messages section (unless you enable it). That would be the perfect place to discuss this IMO.....
mike flips
@Pickle - Why dont we just kill people once they hit 65. That would save lots of money. Oh and healthcare, lets just remove that too. People dying on the streets would be a nice change. And screw the environment. By the time the world is damaged enough that we can no longer live here, we'll be far enough advanced that we'll be living on other planets already so there are no worries. Then we should throw gay people in jail for doing something they can't help. That would be a nice use of tax dollars. Or maybe spend the money counselling them to be not gay. Being gay might even be genetic according to some new studies with worms where they were able to alter certain genes and make the "male" worms (one in 500 worms of that species were gendered) attracted to the other male worms. So it may not be their choice. But lets just throw them in jail anyways. Its just like being born with a disease that is expensive to treat right? They just aren't lucky, so screw them. They dont deserve free healthcare, they deserve to die because its their fault they were born with the disease. And then they can go live in a new state with gay people and old people like those who lost their money because of things like Enron. And i guess in this new state, why not have abortions illegal too. Clearly your attitude is so focused on helping all these other people that you even want to save the lives of unborn children. Because those ideas dont contradict eachother or anything. I suppose in this new state, if a woman is raped, let her keep the baby. She deserves it. She probably wore something provocative.

And so pickle you can be the governor of this new perfect "my kind of" state. You can defend and ensure the laws. Screw the people, live by the laws. When can i move in?
I agree with mike here . Actually, I wrote most of that for my last post but edited it all out because I was waiting for someone else to say it so i could back them (im really bad a writing)
ok I am not going to argue this point for the simple reason it has nothing to do with bod(tho I could and would be happy to on chat or pm's)the only thing I wil say is there is no such thing as"gay" it is not a mental condition, every male is atracted to another male in some way or another, often caused by not being close enuf to the father, so they seek manly affermation elsewhere, thats fine and dandy exept that theve turned it physical! Every strait guy feels a want or sexual desire for sex in general thats just the way god made us, but he desinged us for wemen not other males.

healthcare and such: That is ok to a certain extent if the person is mentally ill or unable to work, but some perfectly capable human should not be able to live laselly through life off tax payers dollars(Wich is happening all over usa)

Abortion. killing babys is in no way justefied, the only thing I would have be leagal in that respect is if indeed she was raped., if she chose to do it she should live with the consequences of her actions.

any replies or arguments to this can be pm'd to me for the sake of other boders.
O yeah and the enviorment is all fine and good as far as conserving it and such but its not the goverments job to do so. besides My man jesus will have come back before the world dies anyway so were at no risk


Now I am done.
game.php?g=114168& cp=c21674#c21674
That was bones's post BTW...
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