|  |  | Scoring: Each day you own a gold medal gives you one point. |
mike flips
|  |  | sure it mite help you be in the golden club and get up to rank 20 or something but unlike TTC there is no way for new players to rise to number 1, even number 5 is near impossible |
|  |  | Maybe it should cover a rolling period of the prior 12 or 6 months. Take it too far though and it just becomes another hall of fame ranking. Currently I see it is good that you never lose recognition for winning a gold, however long ago it was, I EVER win a gold I wouln't want it forgotten! So maybe two versions - the lifetime awards, and a more current rolling 12 months... |
|  |  | Um...this doesn't need to be about making this ranking good for new people. Infact, I think this is an excellent system just as is because it's very pure. It gives proper recongnition to those who have had golds that have stood the test of time. Also, it's silly to try and make something that is all about allowing new people (or anyone really) to be able to climb to the top quickly. Everyone at the top of this gold chart has had to earn their place here over the long term. So if anyone has interest in this particular ranking, they will just need to understand that it heavily favors long term gold holding, but that is just the very nature of it. It also recongizes anyone who has ever held a gold at day's end, which is currently at 84 different players. If someone is really interested in climbing quickly, just do what Cirenco did |
|  |  | This is supposed to be an "eternal Hall of Fame" and won't show your real place in Bike or Die history until you stop playing.  |
|  |  | See PrayeR's suggestion here, which was the idea behind the Golden Club.
http://bike.toyspring .com/forum.php?th=3941 |
 | | 12 | |
|  |  | Opino lo mismo que Vega , éste es un premio a la perseverancia y también incetiva a obtener el oro. Lamentablementea medida que se suben otros levels cada vez parece que hay menos jugadores, es más hoy es primera vez que veo el mensaje "(No new players)(No recent changes)", y creo que deberíamos enfocarnos a promocionar el juego para que ésto no suceda. |
mike flips
|  |  | Rachman was just lucky to be around when there were not many players.... |
mike flips
|  |  | If this is supposed to be an eternal hall of fame... imagine i play every level and get rank 2 in every single level, that would make me rank number 1 in time trial champions by hundreds of points points and people would consider me the best player ever... but i would not even move any where in the golden club |
|  | |
mike flips
|  |  | lol kris watch me....
i think this should be changed to "time in the top ten" club. This way, players who are overall good over a long period of time like kristopher for example can be ranked highly, - it accomplishes the same thing of showing long term acheivements but it removes the focus from just golds to overall excellence |