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Time Trial Champions
See also: 5 Years On Bike! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...12040 ...12050 ...12053
#1 Andrew A26590 pts
#2 Kamirashi25299 pts
(1291 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 BikerBrian24862 pts
(437 pts behind Kamirashi)
#4 PMD22996 pts
(1866 pts behind BikerBrian)
#5 Laser22982 pts
(14 pts behind PMD)
#6 mike flips22746.5 pts
(235.5 pts behind Laser)
#7 Tyler21431 pts
(1315.5 pts behind mike flips)
#8 casey20377 pts
(1054 pts behind Tyler)
#9 Shane20232 pts
(145 pts behind casey)
#10 Kristopher20227.126 pts
(4.874 pts behind Shane)
- 121 pts for the best time in a level
- at least 1 point for completing a level
Read more:  Scoring method changed
 "Time Trial Champions" Changes
Ya Laser, 1995. I was swimming in numbers. Innocent mistake.

Also good point Vega on Oliver improving his times. I guess the thing that really stood out to me is that he had a medal on almost every level and the pack had been out for a year.

Wow how they have been improved.

A pickle is a food preserved either by fermentation in brine, preservation in vinegar or another acid, or a combination of the two. The acid environment produced by the pickling process may render the food safe and stable without sterilization, or it may be appropriate to can at boiling-water temperatures; the steam pressure of an pressure cooker is rarely needed.


Some preservation techniques not using heat still require heat. The containers used for pickling must be clean. Certain fermented foods, such as sauerkraut or kimchi, must keep the solid food (e.g., a cabbage mixture) submerged under the pickling liquid; mold may form on parts exposed to air.

Types of pickles

Five main types are recognized in Western cooking, [1] although there are variants in other cultures:
* Brined pickles: most commonly based on cucumbers or cabbage and spices, these are fermented in brine for several weeks. Some especially acid products, such as Moroccan preserved lemons, cure more quickly than the 6-8 weeks typical of more neutral produce.
* Fresh pack pickles: A much quicker process, which may involve brine pickling taking hours, but the main preservation is in vinegar.
* Relishes: Relishes involve an initial cooking step, for forming flavors and texture rather than preservation. They are more likely to need hot water canning
* Fruit pickles: Rather than vinegar or brine, these usually cooked products use a concentrated sugar solution, which both sweetens but also inhibits microbial growth.
* Chutneys and sauces: These have some similarities to fruit pickles, but are longer-cooked, so that the fruits or vegetables break down into a soft texture. They may use a substantial amount of vinegar as well as sugar. The line between chutneys and hot-water-preserved acid fruit jams and jellies can be a thin one.
mike flips
WOW so many comments in such little time.

BB you caught up to me - maybe I should play a few of those unfinished levels.

I would love to make a huge long post right now - but I dont really feel like it.

Seems like Laser still has a jealous grudge over me and Vega - nothing new

And for everyone's information - a lot of what it takes to be at the top of this game is protecting your new tricks and secrets. Why do you think I keep the golds private? Because nearly every single time I got a gold it was due to a new "trick" that I discovered and if I told everyone my tricks they would try and beat me. Sure, certain people are "known" for their creativity and tricks that they show in public movies - but how many of those tricks are actually new? The answer: not that many.

Some people like to find "new" routes and showcase them: Kenn

Some people like to stick to the traditional routes and play the hell out of them till every last frame is squeezed out: Vega

But me - I like a combination of the two. I innovate and create new tricks in nearly every level I play but in order to be effective at doing so, sometimes you just have to play a level thousands of times.

Anyways just my two cents

And some people wish there was an Android port, but are still awesome regardless.
Hey Mike, long time no speak! I have nothing to be jealous over, it's just a game. A really competitive and addictive game.

I mean, that's why I opened all of my gold runs months ago to allow for competition, and so have y...oh wait, you haven't at all. I know why you kept your golds private, but I don't know why you still do.

No one's going to get 5000 golds and pass you in GC, and no one (sorry Brian) is truly going to catch you in TTC if you submit another few levels, so there's no point anymore, and there hasn't been for years.

Either way, it would be fun to see the top times that we've all been staring at, wondering how they were done. You know I won't be stealing any of them anytime soon.
Exactly. Half the recognition comes from the gold and the other half from actually seeing the skill involved.
Carl China
Oh? Ibanez is behind me......
Carl China
ha!i'm not out of scale.
I kind of miss this game. Too bad I don't have a palm pilot anymore and this game just sucks on the ipod touch.
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