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7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

Palm Simulator It's been a while since I used...
Non hall of fame game replays? Is there a way to post replays...
Works on Palm Pre!! Bike or Die 2 runs beautifully...
touch bricks Any chance of making touchbric...
Game Stats Total Games Played: 500,022 (...
Multiple Accounts Hello guys. I've been gone awh...
Hello All! Hello folks. I miss BoD. Might...
15th Hall of Fame Levelpack We can all use this thread to ...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...


Game Stats

Total Games Played: 500,022 (Can anyone beat that? Henoch?)
Completed: 11,475
Failed: 329,913
Restarts: 158,634 (Total - (Completed + Failed))

First Game Submitted: July 16, 2005
Total Days: 896 days
Average Games/day: 558 (many of them quick restarts)
Most Prized Gold: 8. Vertical Avenue - #1/848 (0:29,60)

Favorite Players: Mike Flips, Vega, Kristopher, Shane,
Smalls, Bones, Vin, Henoch, Th-Champ
(mostly since I have exchanged messages with them)

Favorite Developer: SZ for making a great game!

Here's to the next 500,000 games.

49 comments on 3 pages: <<<< 1 2 3
i'm submitting the few times i had saved up now so ill see where that puts me.

Total: 426,815
Complete: 18,539
Failed: 390,334

Total: 650,673
Completed: 18,539
Failed: 389,047

Vega has failed more than me in ~224,000 less games.

Where are you Henoch? Are you still the reining king of Games Played?
Oh, and I just noticed that I have EXACTLY the same number of completed games as Vega. Seriously, what are the chances of that?

Yeah, that is weird!
My stats: 414,000 games altogether
354,036 (10,097 completed; 329,645 failed) plus 60K from a kaput TE.

That’s about 88,000 games since my 31 Dec post here, so BB has outplayed me by 112,000 so far this year. This clearly shows that I don't play BoD too much after all!
My wife will be so pleased to hear this great news
Well over 1 million games played between the two of us, and exactly the same number completed.
You're right PMD, chances of that are insanely improbable.

...add my two figures together and you get about 408,000.
That means I have only restarted in the middle of a round about 18,000 times.
You have restarted approx 242,000 times.
That's a crazy huge difference in strategy.

mike flips
Same with me. I restart like crazy. I have no idea what my total games is but its got to be really high by now.
Zodiac stats:

Played: 67,824
Failed: 28,060
Replay: 39,864

First Game Submitted: May 5th, 2008
Total Days: 114 days
Average Games/day: 595 (most of them quick restarts)
Most Prized Gold (only gold ): 3. Mike's Level - #1/107 (0:13,60)

Favorite Players: Kristopher, Mr.Pickle., Spence, BikerBrian, PiNerd, bones, Cirenco. (most are from talking on chat so much )

Favorite Developer: Sz for making the best game ever; Dmitry Grinberg for being amazing; MetaView, Tinnus, and yoyofr for making LJP; and Alexander Pruss for also being amazing.
@Xuzz as if i didnt hear that all the time anyway
Total Game Played: 701,938
Games Completed: 13,611
Games Failed: 400,622

Where are you Henoch? You have to be close to that.
Just hit 200,000 yesturday....

I have a freeier week this week so I may gain a good 30,000 if I am lucky
A few milestones for me today:

1. I just passed 300,000 tries
2. At least Top 15 in all levelpacks
3. All levels in the Top 35 (real rank)
4. 66 levels in the Top 10
5. Only 2,211 pts behind Kris
6. Only 3,710 pts behind Mike

I've been playing for almost 300 days now, so my average tries per day is 1,000. At this rate, I will reach 500,000 tries by June 2009 and will reach 1 million tries by the end of 2010.

If I can average a measly 5 pts/day between now and the end of 2010, I'll have enough points to pass Mike.

One of these days, I guess I'll have to quit playing the "newbie" card.
I reached 200,000 tries yesterday, and 9th place today. And i'm only 800 some points away from you
I reached an unknown amount of tries today (hard reseting does that when you only have a backup from months before ) and 18th place yesterday!

I only just hit 200,000...I am gonna be back sometime...takin a break..too busy with life....

Gonna be back and beat you all tho (You think i'm kidding )
I am convinced that my stats are screwed up somehow. They appeared to be accurate until this month. Here's why I conclude this:

In my first 300 days of play (from January 2008 until October 27, 2008), I averaged 1,000 tries/day. My stats now show that I've reached 400,000 tries (100,000 tries in the last 25 days). This would mean 4,000 tries/day!

This simply can't be true. Assuming an average of 10 seconds per try, it would mean that I would have spent over 11 hours straight, 7 days/wk (with no breaks) playing. The fact that I'm still married and still have a job are evidence that I haven't spent 70% of my waking hours playing BoD (I wouldn't mind it... I'm just saying I don't have that kind of time).

It would be cool if there was a way to quickly summarize the tries per level to see if there are a few that are causing the problem. The only way I know to do it is to select a level, look at the stats, record it, and move on to another level. This would take awhile to do with 191 levels.

Either way, here are my accomplishments in the past 25 days:

1. Earned 16 more Top 10 times (for a total of 82)
2. Gained 425 more points (now only 1,789 pts behind Kris and 3,275 pts behind Mike)
  BikerBrian what version are you running. SZ fixed a bug in the 2.0c release that somehow skewed that number if you used the restart button.

 A small update + Spanish translation

You might want to move up to the latest version.


Just a thought.
Thanks, PMD. That could be it. I'm using 2.0b and I have the spacebar on my Treo set to restart.

I'll update my copy.
Since someone is asking, here are my current stats (not including the few I have done on my iPod Touch):

Total Game Played: 844,870
Games Completed: 14,836
Games Failed: 469,262

These were done on 3 different Palm Treo 650's (I transferred the files that hold the stats so I would always have a true running total)

Looks like by next Christmas (not this Christmas), I would be around 1,000,000 at the current pace.

mike flips
I must be well into the millions. But no idea about the actual number. I am on my 4th (5th maybe) Treo (i have a bad habit of dropping them excessively), and this one says 115,094.

I think there were some comments on the level Floors from Standard Levels that also gave out numbers of games played.
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING