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Master KO's Levels
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...1720 ...1730 ...1737
#1 Andrew A1460 pts
#2 mike flips1360 pts
(100 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 Kamirashi1334 pts
(26 pts behind mike flips)
#4 Laser1332 pts
(2 pts behind Kamirashi)
#5 casey1314 pts
(18 pts behind Laser)
#6 BikerBrian1308 pts
(6 pts behind casey)
#7 DavidKing1278 pts
(30 pts behind BikerBrian)
#8 Shane1277 pts
(1 pts behind DavidKing)
#9 Smalls1252 pts
(25 pts behind Shane)
#10 PMD1251 pts
(1 pts behind Smalls)
45 comments on 5 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>>>
You Qi
I might be away for a quite days.. maybe weeks.. coz my motherboard went kaput!
Sorry to hear that You Qi - I was out of it for a month and dropped from 3rd to 10th!
I'm Back!!
Forget what I said about this levelpack, it's ok. But maybe you can make 1 levelpack whith a combination of OrR's and XA software levelpacks.
Rachman showed up
Just kidding - I still managed to keep a gold though!
I told you Rachman "take your time" but it didn't take you long to get the 1st place and all the trophies.
SZ could you split the column of comment in two line for medals and posters because Rachman has too much medals and we can't see the comment only the medals
You Qi
hehe... nice web coding from SZ... now the site looks more clean.
You Qi
Hey! I'm no.1 currently. can't believe I beat rachman!
You Qi
OH NO~!~~!!!!!!!!!!! MY PDA SPOILED!!! HOLY S***!
Yeap... I think this levelpack is trully a winner. Specially in the "originality" department...

qi... what was that about you PDA??? I hope it hasn't died...
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