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7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

Game Stats Total Games Played: 500,022 (...
Multiple Accounts Hello guys. I've been gone awh...
Hello All! Hello folks. I miss BoD. Might...
15th Hall of Fame Levelpack We can all use this thread to ...
Specific Track I'm new to the game and site, ...
Re-install issues? I need to re-install the game....
Is this game dead? Has development of this game s...
Same account. New Phone. Finally after the loss of my o...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...


Specific Track

I'm new to the game and site, so please excuse any ignorance on my part, but I was wondering if someone could point my towards any tracks in the Hall of Fame that have these features:

-one or more large hills/ramps
-A finite ceiling
-preferably without flags, though it's not necessary

On courses such as sinus mountain, you can go through the "ceiling" and have one tire ride along while the rest of the bike hangs down in the course, similar to when people do it on thin platforms. On that map, it's not useful at all, but I was wondering if there were any other courses it could work on. Thanks for help.

27 comments on 2 pages: <<<< 1 2
Sadly, I have the Ipod Touch version, so I'm eagerly awaiting a Level Editor. But thanks for clarifying, as I found it to be a pretty strange phenomenon. That's a cool level too.
Does anyone anything about when/if the iPhone/iPod touch version of BODesign is coming out
When it is complete, stable, and not crashing. Then Apple will spend a year reviewing it, deny it for some stupid reason, then accept the unchanged version when resubmitted.

I'd guess in less than a month, based on the betas I've tried.
"then apple will spend a year reviewing it, deny it for some stupid reason, then accept the unchanged version when resubmitted" I laughed really loud there, cuz it's true
@All: Jailbreak. Now. Safe + easy + free + cool = win.

redsn0w is free at
my itouch came jailbroken
Cool I suggest getting MxTube and Backgrounder
i'm not jailbreaking until real iBoDesign comes out
What does "real" iBODesign mean
Me and some other people are running the beta...
whats mxtube? an app?
and idk what backgrounder is either,lol
It might be like winterboard... U chose the background and slide to lock screen and stuff
Winterboard = themer
backgrounder = app that lets you run many programs at once (like stay on IM while playing bod!)
mxtube = download youtube onto the device
ahhh, not 100% on the jailbroken stuff, was waiting for a quickpwn for iTouch 2g, but now I accidentally updated to 3.0 OS and would prefer to wait until it won't matter if I mess up some stuff....
thats exactly what I already have. < < free/safe/easy/untethered/3.0/jailbreak
I cant find backgrounder, where can I get it?

And my itouch is like really slow..Idk if its becuase it is 1st gen or what(its updated but ya).
A must have for me is SBSettings. Quick access to a lot of settings and memory management right from the status bar.
Pickle look in Cydia or Icy and press search

spider of course that's a must
Cydia is screwed up for some reason on mine...I cant get it to strt up :-\ Everything else works fine tho,its weird.. I probably got a virus with my ipod since it was so cheap,lol
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