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Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN...

(Over 300 levels have been released since the Sweet Fifteen levelpack was officiated.)

Around 70 levels have been nominated for the Hall of Fame. They are listed here:

These levels have been selected by several players (listed on the page). Anyone can add to this page if they want to, but I think it is fairly complete.

Now the list should be consolidated, until only 15 levels are left. Everyone should vote for or against the levels. The plan is to only have some levels with v1.4 features, because no one has mastered them yet.

you are right i over reacted
also i think the first pack should be called the oldies
and the second pack either can you bike right(please please please) or the next generation
oh and i agree to kris's version but at the end with the updraft can we keep it at what i had?if not i guess thats okay.
sorry for the triple post but...NO I AM NOT SCHIZOPHRENIC
mike flips
Hmm, old school and next generation i like.

The only diff I see is that Kris's updraft is wider and covers the whole tunnel. Is that right? I will put it back to the width you had it at if you want. Kris already sent it to me through email so I will grab it and finish the pack. I expect to be able to send it to Sz possibly today! I already have most of the pack in order. The only thing is the names. I want more feedback first so please everyone respond. I vote for "Oldies but Goodies" and "Next Generation". If we can agree on something then cool. If we all fight over the names and can't agree, I'll just email Sz with our suggestions and let him choose Fair enough?

i like next generation but old school makes it sound bad.

p.s.mike get on chat
i know that next generation will stick but i think that it should either be oldies or old school and i am notSCHIZOBONES
mike flips
I like old school, but if that doesnt fly, instead of oldies but goodies, at least make it oldies but goldies cuz that sounds better

it seems like the packs are pretty much set, they look pretty cool
I vote Old School and Next Generation.
Old School and Next Generation sounds good to me
i'd say send them to sz vega.since you have the packs good to go.make sure to tell him we have reahed agreement on all levels.and get on chat if you have a minute
um really quickly are the steps on fbi hidden lair going to remain that way??
they are difficult enough visible or not.ii'll do it if i have to but they are pretty intense
I have a completely different name suggestion for the first levelpack: [Ecstasied or Suicide!] I am having trouble proving that this is a word, but it is in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary:,ecstasied

BTW Bones, I did not change the Updraft on CMR.

Shane sent me this, and I definitely agree about Dante's:

Looking at Vega's list, the ones I was going to vote for that don't seem to be there are...
On the Town
Red Sox 1
50m swim
Bikes Float
Pit & The Pendulum
Into Tunnels

I thought your game 'Portraits' would make a good short level for HoF too.
Of the ones that made it, I would vote against anything that looks like a house/building, because Home Sweet Home is 1 level too many in that genre (I can't do these fiddly levels!!) also Triple High Jump & Save the Princess don't really have much appeal.
What's this about Dante's??
Also, I think Save the Princess has huge appeal. Storm the castle and rescue the fair maiden I have always really liked Red Sox 1. I would put that in there without thinking twice But we are so close now guys. I have the list pretty much ready to send. I like Dante's.... but I would be willing to bet that more than 80-90% of BoD players will not be able to beat it. So take that into consideration. There is always the next packs. Some of the levels that are being left out are pretty good. They don't have to be ruled out forever By the way Kris - I made the stairs visible in FBI and I'll post the replay on the movie site
Shall I replace Extreme Sport as level #9 of the Next Generation pack with Red Sox 1 and Triple High Jump with Dante's? (Dante's would need to be the last level of the pack of course )
mike flips
I really liked 50 m swim and into the tunnels they are great hall of fame levels. Ill have a look at the others
We can't have them all
I like this orange level that Cirenco played better than Into the Tunnels

http://bike.toyspring .com/level.php?l=1652

Maybe we should do 18 levels per pack ??
Or maybe save them for another pack ??
Maybe 18 level for the oldies pack and 17 level for the newer pack is okay to catch several level we should leave away because of the little space we have. As i told you guys, 35 new level would be okay (either you put into one big pack or separate it into two pack).
About Dante, i don't think i could do it either. . Vega is right, i guess I'm included into the 80 percent players.
Anyway Vega, would you play the coming soon levelpacks or you still consentrate on Standard Levels?? (although you are involve very much in the creation of the pack)
definetly not dantes. i think replacing extreme sport with red sox 1 is good but also add an extra lvel spot in the pack for into tunnels cause that level really is a good one for hof. dfinetely not dantes. dantes will only beaten by around 20(i wouldnt be tn that 20.)i hink 50 meter swim needs to e in the first packas well.(every pack needs an omaha beach )
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING