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7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

Specific Track I'm new to the game and site, ...
Re-install issues? I need to re-install the game....
Is this game dead? Has development of this game s...
Same account. New Phone. Finally after the loss of my o...
TDG's best of the firsts I put this at first in levels,...
Some Palm functionality that h... It'd be interesting, when the ...
Show Your Bike I just decided to make a threa...
iPhone vs Palm physics Hey guys I'm new to BoD. I've ...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...


TDG's best of the firsts

I put this at first in levels, but nobody responded, so i might as well make it an organized thread
I'm creating a tdg's best of the firsts levelpack, and I'd like some of your opinions on what levels are fun/HoF worthy that should be put in the pack... I will refine those levels to be smoother and better. A level needs 2 recomendations to go on the list.
The list:
None yet
The not list: (in my idea)
Spiral glasses
Re: love maze
Space invaders
A random old platformer

for HOF i like, stuck in a flag and chalkboard
The list:
None yet
Stuck in a flag
The not list: (in my idea)
Spiral glasses
Re: love maze
Space invaders
A random old platformer

Keep in mind these levels can be from all of my packs (although i know stuck in a flag and chalkboard already are)
I suggest these myself:
This is war
D' R' D R
Space station
Dental hygene
Cube planet
Mario 6-4
The list:
None yet
Stuck in a flag
My suggestions:
This is war
D' R' D R
Space station
Dental hygene
Cube planet
Mario 6-4
The not list: (in my idea)
Spiral glasses
Re: love maze
Space invaders
A random old platformer
Okay, being that i want to start making some levels better (but not all of them cuz that would take to long, only the ones that have potential), i'm goin to make things a little better... If 10 people make (truthful) suggestions so i can start working, i'll show my (new) trick on the climb (even though pickle might already know it) to the world..... I also can't view videos right now so I can't see if nyone else has done it, but before i left on this trip nobody had, so i'm guessing it is a "new" trick.
9 left to go (thanks tylerchr for actually responding)
...........Anyone???.... i know alec b yo and xuzz and many others have been on recently, i'll even jump the number so now only 6 people need to make suggestions (cuz i'm taking some of the previous comments i've recived)
  BikerBrian said
"Power-Full - 1:18,74 - Long challenging level, but really fun - definitely HoF potential
Space Station - 37,36 - This one is MUCH better than the first one. I hope to see this level in HoF"
  Xuzz said:
"I think "Name this Organ", "Dreams", and "R D R D" are great levels"
The list:
None yet
Stuck in a flag
space station
name the organ
r'd'r d
My suggestions (although they don't count for anything really, i want the other player's opinions):
This is war, Dreams, D' R' D R, Powerful, Space station, Dental hygene, Cube planet, Mario 6-4
The not list: (in my idea)
Spiral glasses, Expl-O-sion, Re: love maze, Space invaders, A random old platformer, Ninten(10)do
i guess tylerchr is the most responsive person on the form (if that title doesn't go to me )
well, until sum1 else comments, i'm gunna work on my new pack, tdg's average day (levels based on some of the things i do in my average day)
.... this topic seems to be an epic fail
anybody..... please......
---,/@ @\,
.-|`/___\| .
For when or aren't enough (if it looks bad it looked fine in the preview
ok, that didn't turn out right, and it looks even worse in the forum tab...
lol, its hard to make "pictures" look good on the forum. Umm, I think if you PM xuzz, he can tell you how to post a real picture on the forum, that you could make/edit in paint,or photoshop.
Okay, now that I made my announcement in my previous levelpack, I'm hoping to get my BotF50 pack out before I finish the next one...
These levels will be fixed (if needed) and assembled into one pack... if people finnaly respond
The list:
Space station
Power-full (the first version or the second version?)
D' R' D R
Stuck in a flag
name the organ
My suggestions (although they don't count for anything really, i want the other player's opinions):
This is war, Dental hygene, Cube planet, Mario 6-4
c'mon, someone, anyone???
lol, you should make some more packs, maby make a REALLY good one like pinerd did. That will get more attention for your leveles.
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING