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Summer Pack
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...910 ...919
#1 Andrew A1794 pts
#2 BikerBrian1707 pts
(87 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 PMD1691 pts
(16 pts behind BikerBrian)
#4 mike flips1683 pts
(8 pts behind PMD)
#5 Vega1653 pts
(30 pts behind mike flips)
#6 Kamirashi1631 pts
(22 pts behind Vega)
#7 Laser1609 pts
(22 pts behind Kamirashi)
#8 Shane1600 pts
(9 pts behind Laser)
#9 Tyler1496 pts
(104 pts behind Shane)
#10 Cirenco1486 pts
(10 pts behind Tyler)
60 comments on 6 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>>>
i dont like this level pack!! in the standard levels, the longest level was Cheese, done in 1 minute or so.. in this one EVERY level is that long. Short, and fast levels are very exciting too!!
You Qi
Cave Dweller... this is the level I dont recommend in HoF!
I agree to the statement of MATA
yeah, some levels are too big.
and the most pathetic thing - creators of levels even dont show how to play them ^^ lolololololololol

p.s. i dont need that, can all do by myself..
PrayeR, You Qi; regarding Newbies, I'm pretty new round these parts and currently hovering at #161. Whilst I understand that it's important for more experienced players to be continually challeneged, I agree with PrayeR that it'd be nice to have some more levels that us who aren't so good could have a good crack at. Obviously practice makes perfect but it would be nice to have some levels that I, and others, stand a good chance of completing from the outset yet still require good skills to achieve the top times.

Just my two pence though. I still love BoD nontheless
this is not Summer Pack, this is Winter,Spring,Summer,Fall Pack. hehe . All levels are very long, kin'a stop your adrenalin rushing. Well don't get back on me by saying play it if you want and don't play it if you don't like....just a comment folks...cheers...
r u gonna play it, Oliver?
The earth won't stop turning... what are you on? It's a game. Oh, and Cave Dweller isn't one of mine but I do like it. There are no really difficult elements in Cave Dweller, but it is difficult to get the whole thing right at once. I think that is the point of the level. As for long levels, there are only 5 that have not been done in less than a minute in the whole pack.
PrayeR - as you know I made all my submissions public until I realised I was on my own.
'nuff ranting.
well prayer, maybe after sometime....
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