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Golden Club
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...120 ...130 ...138
#1 mike flips283679 days
#2 Andrew A195997 days
#3 BikerBrian117090 days
#4 Vega104555 days
#5 Laser94039 days
#6 Kristopher74749 days
#7 Kamirashi68080 days
#8 Spence67572 days
#9 Kenn46870 days
#10 Tabs45330 days
Scoring: Each day you own a gold medal gives you one point.
it isn't fair to anyone really
I guess something will change if Sz release the 1.5 beta version (with the hallo thing). But once again according to Mike and Vega, the first person who submit it will get an eternal gold medal.. so the golden point from that level should not be counted.

Unless there is another technique (after the hallo added) to solve these levels such as PMD broke the equisplateral and Mike done with flip the flipper. That will be interesting

Also there is another idea to reduce the possibility of bottles level, the time basis counting should not only 0.02 but 0.01 so there will be odd time not only even (ex. not only 7.74 or 7.76 but there is possibility of 7.73 or 7.75 in shelf time)
Sorry, Henoch, but that would require the game engine to run at a higher FPS, which would change the physics of the game. That would break compatibility, so it is not possible for Bike or Die v1.x.
mike flips
Also, flip the flipper is different, people's runs were different and not everyone had the same exact time. Bottle, many people have the same time. Shelf many people have the same time. The problem with those levels is that there is one specific route that you only have to press a few buttons. Therefore people are able to do the exact same run.

Flip that flipper requires more that just a few buttons to press which is why it is different.

The solution for the future would be to just have longer levels, or if they are short, they need to be somewhat complicated.
100 frames per second would be cool, but I agree that we cannot implement that now. The historical runs and records have been established with 50 FPS and to have twice as many time points of potential movements would altar the way we are all able to maneuver the bike around the level. It wouldn't even be a good idea to implement that on the new levels that aren't yet in the HoF. We would have to switch back and forth between 100 FPS for new to 50 FPS for old and I guarantee 50 would feel sluggish and unresponsive by comparison

..... but it's a nice idea Henoch
If you want 100FPS, play version 1.2f in low-resolution outline mode.
But does it allow you to submit odd numbered times?
No, but it goes really fast. 50FPS is really fast enough; that is almost as many FPS as HDTV.
If the game was changed to 100FPS, it would either play twice as fast, or the bike movement would be slowed so you cannot see the change. I don't think it would change responsiveness, and that could be changed without changing the FPS (you can only balance left or right about once a second, but that delay was added intentionally and is not due to a slow FPS).
100FPS would handle quirks (see You Qi's Freestyle game) slightly better, but the difference for normal gameplay would not be noticeable.
It would cause major compatibility problems, and not solve the Bottle problems. But that might be a good idea for Bike or Die! 2.0.
6 days from now..
mike flips
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