Up to: IdeasSuggest a new feature for the game!
 Ruben | Level EditorThere should be more objects in the level editor. I don't know if there's a way to get more pics right now, but if there is there should be a place where it explains how to get them. ?: If there is a way to get pics, how can I get them? |
|  |  | Custom bitmaps (advanced)
Unfortunately, the current "Bike or Design" won't help you creating custom bitmaps for your levels. However, you can add bitmaps to the levelpack database, using a resource editor, eg. RsrcEdit. "Bike or Die" uses bitmap IDs 401..431. You can add more bitmaps, starting with some higher number, eg. 450, or replace the builtin ones. Then, use the Picture object and select the picture #50; it will refer to the bitmap 450. (Note that you can choose nonexisting picture in the selector dialog - just enter the proper number in the textfield). The actual picture will not be visible in the editor nor during the test play, it will only appear while using the levelpack in the game. You can temporarily add the bitmaps to the BikeOrDie.prc to overcome this limitation.
Or, you can wait for the next release, which will support custom bitmaps without that hassle.
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Bike or Design v1.1g Read about the level editor
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