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Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

Confessions of A BOD-aholic fo... What is it with this game? ...
15 Years On Bike! time goes by so fast wow
Need my BoD fix I haven't had a Palm device in...

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Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

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Upgraded iPhone version, now c... I upgraded to BOD 2.1.3 and ha...
"today" bug It seems like (at least on the...
controll bug Sz, i'd like to report the fol...
previous device I'm sure this has been covered...
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previous device

I'm sure this has been covered, but I can't search the forum (maybe there's a good reason... ). Anyway, I submitted scores with an old Samsung i500 (with username Zop) a while back, and I don't believe I changed the password, or even logged in, then. The Samsung is odd because it loses all info if you don't charge it from a dead battery in 17 hours (or some time), and since it's been many months, nothing is on there. Now, I use a Treo.

I reinstall BoD, and the generated password isn't correct. The generation doesn't seem dependant on the Palm's username, or last high score name, so I was wondering if the BoD version could be important. Or, is there a way to save the old account?

There's a forum search form at the top of this page.

I would guess either you logged in as Zop and changed your password (through this site) from the original one shown on your Palm, or your Hotsync ID has changed. (I think the default password is based on the Hotsync ID, but I am not sure.)

Either way, you can email Sz to merge the accounts Zop and Zoppy for you.

Zop:   Zop
AFAIK, because my devices (both hot sync name Xuzz) have different passwords, i think it is per-device.
done - both Zop accounts have been merged
Hi Sz I'm, new to BoD but I submitted one game from a friend's device, now I have it on mine but can't log in with my name because it says someone else was using it, can you reset the account so that I can submit? Thanks
1. go to your player profile and follow the instructions in "unauthorized games" tab to make the server believe your device is really yours
2. make sure to set your own password instead of using the initial password (the initial passwords are different across devices!)
The thing is I can't get to the unauthorized games tab because it says my account is only temporary because someone else is using it, although it is me... If I use my initial password on my device, it tells me to change my profile name, which I did (to Novo), but no games are registered, what can I do?
Is there a way you coould fuse both accounts into one so I can get the games? I'd like "Novoa" because that's the name in my device and can't change it. Thanks
problem solved, all your games are now merged into a single "Novoa" account.
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING