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7 Year Itch Who would have thought? There ...
Bike or Die 2 Released Here comes the new Bike or Die...
7 Years On Bike! BoD is 7 years old and I'm sti...

Is this game dead? Has development of this game s...
Same account. New Phone. Finally after the loss of my o...
TDG's best of the firsts I put this at first in levels,...
Some Palm functionality that h... It'd be interesting, when the ...
Show Your Bike I just decided to make a threa...
iPhone vs Palm physics Hey guys I'm new to BoD. I've ...
External links of interest in case you haven't heard of D...
Cool Player and Submitted Game... Since the forum has been reall...

Bike or Die - Android Sz, Do you have plans to port...
Upvote comments BikerBrian brought up an idea ...
If This Game has PC Version This game will HOT.

iOS 8.0 problems I just upgraded to iOS 8.0. Wh...
new ipad. how do i get my stuf... hi there. i've got an ipad and...


Show Your Bike

I just decided to make a thread as i was customizing my bike- why not see what other's have done... this is what i did today

Anyone else?
Cool, but I don't have any idea how to show mine...
ye me neither, im wearing white shirt, blue pants, black cap, white bike and normal wheels, blond hair ofc ^^ customized it to look like me ^^
:O I reverted mine back to the original stick figure biker. It bothers me when he flails his arms.
I also took the 3D off, as I feel it hinders my accuracy.

If you guys are using iPods, just press the sleep/power button and the home button at the same time to take a screen shot.
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING