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15. Coal Miner Rescue
in  Next Generation Requires v1.4
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...130 ...140 ...145
#1 Xuzz0:56,06
121 pts
View45:xx is possible.
#2 Laser0:58,52
116 pts
ViewThat's one small step for a man and one giant leap for Laserkind.
#3 Vega0:59,98
112 pts
ViewI finally achieved under a minute ......and I hate this level now more than ever
#4 Kristopher1:00,66
109 pts

Should I add more?
#5 Mr.pickle.1:01,84
107 pts
#6 bones1:02,18
105 pts
Viewnot even for a day mike but thanks for the motivation
#7 Kamirashi1:02,42
103 pts
#8 mike flips1:04,14
101 pts
#9 Champ1:04,36
99 pts
#10 BikerBrian1:04,62
97 pts
164 comments on 17 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 15 16 17 >>>>
oh I don't expect someone to do it but it is possible,if someone tries this level 24,000 times(like people on rsp2) they will get 45:xx,anyone want to prove it(not me i'd get tired of it after athousand)
pickle my message on my last ost was that 45.xx is not even close to possible!!! i would be amazed if someone got 55 let alone 45. i gurantee that not a single player of bod(regular player) would consider 45 possible.
look you know on rsp2?wel the part where you go thru the litle bump thingy,theres about en simalar time saving things like that on this livel(I gess since its so big)I stumbled across a few while trying to beat it I never could survive after words so I just did it normall(plus there very unpredictable)now not all of them are going thru a wall (at leased 3or4 tho)some are like you said "a garrintied 5 seconds"(not actuly an exact quote but it was something like that)theres a few more of tho's so if you had a perfect run(about 1 outof a millointh chance)you could acheive 45:xx or possibly evan lower,but like I said no one is ever going to attempt this level over a milion times so I can't really prove it....
sorry about that spelling,there is Ten time saving things,not "en
pickle once again i gurantee you that 45 is not possible!!! will someone back me up please??

and i reduced my smileys
silly discussion. God himself could not achieve 45.

you all thought the same thing about getting rsp2 down to 11 seconds,theres about 5 different places where I think you could save around 3 seconds easy(bye the stuff like in rsp2)apiece thats 15 seconds,if you think 59 is possible bones then 45 is completely in reach.

vega I think god can get whatever time he wants on any level,he could do it in 3 seconds if he wanted
pickle there is no longer anythting i can say except for the following two

1. you are an ignorant ass!!!

2. those 15 you see i gurantee ive already seen and included into my 59.xx
are any of them used in vega's game?caouse I see about 7 that werent used in vegas game.
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