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15. Coal Miner Rescue
in  Next Generation Requires v1.4
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...130 ...140 ...145
#1 Xuzz0:56,06
121 pts
View45:xx is possible.
#2 Laser0:58,52
116 pts
ViewThat's one small step for a man and one giant leap for Laserkind.
#3 Vega0:59,98
112 pts
ViewI finally achieved under a minute ......and I hate this level now more than ever
#4 Kristopher1:00,66
109 pts

Should I add more?
#5 Mr.pickle.1:01,84
107 pts
#6 bones1:02,18
105 pts
Viewnot even for a day mike but thanks for the motivation
#7 Kamirashi1:02,42
103 pts
#8 mike flips1:04,14
101 pts
#9 Champ1:04,36
99 pts
#10 BikerBrian1:04,62
97 pts
164 comments on 17 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 15 16 17 >>>>
dont get me wrong vega(by the way i thought you meant he took this gold and you scared the crap out of me.) champ in myopinion has the drive to accomplish near perfect times and is a definite gold contendor. just if he does it on this level i'll wipe the floor with'em.
bones... you are quite funny. You say in you post that my comment scared the crap out of you, but in the very same post of yours, you show a lofty degree of confidence in threatening to wipe up the floor with em (meaning Champ). It's one or the other dude, and I'm fairly certain I know which one it really is
lol. i just didnt want to send time taking it back right now cause i have honestly moved on for now to a level that ive always desired gold on
Thank you for the compliments But seriously, thanks And yes I am playing this level I don't think I can get below 1 minute (that would take some crazy skillz ) but I could probably get below 1:05:00 (not that good but oh well) I am about fed up with this level after playing it so many times, but whatever gets the job done. After this, I'll probably head back to a shorter level (such as fruits or teapot) Then, back to a longer level like pipe universe. And after that, idk. Whatever I look forward to challenging you some more on different levels bones.... Wahcha!
actuly bones I agree with you about 59:xx but if someone were to work this level like vega worked double sprint(he siad hed beaten it over 2000{it may have been 3000 I don't remember}times)it could go down to 45:xx I would say,but know one will ever spend enupf time on thi level to beat it anywhere near 2000 times so I gess whell never know....
call me crasy if you like
45xx- No That is like impossible to get. I can barley get 44xx after getting to the bottom left. (btw, I'm changing my mind. Ima get 1 gold after this then create some levels with kris )
I said if someone could beat it as much as vega did on double sprint(or cource you beat that but still)but of you were to get ths level down to a science (like ever level in standerd) it could go way down, me crazy again if ya like
I finally beat this level yeah!!!!!huray for mewith a terrible time tho.......
everyone has a terrible time in CMR
pretty much shane mines not too bad neither is mikes or kris' yet pickle if you told someone that someone would get 45.xx 3 years from now and you bet them 1,000 dollars you would have a big debt to pay off.
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