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 Old School (2249)
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Next Generation Requires v1.4
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...2130 ...2140 ...2150 ...2160 ...2170 ...2230 ...2240 ...2244
#2141jamesimes1 pts
(0 pts behind davidyv)
#2142Hadrian1 pts
(0 pts behind jamesimes)
#2143jasons1 pts
(0 pts behind Hadrian)
#2144kyler1 pts
(0 pts behind jasons)
#2145peyton1 pts
(0 pts behind kyler)
#2146nickle1 pts
(0 pts behind peyton)
#2147erea1 pts
(0 pts behind nickle)
#2148aleclange1 pts
(0 pts behind erea)
#2149black cock1 pts
(0 pts behind aleclange)
#2150Cwj1 pts
(0 pts behind black cock)
163 comments on 17 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 ... 15 16 17
Note: this levelpack will be added to the Hall of Fame shortly (perhaps after some adjustments). See also:  Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN...
Oh vega, you and your dramatic submits,lol Makes it all so much more exciting!
So now you just have 3 ,more packs to take back your leading position on Thats my personal hope anyways, of course if you were to start playing a newer level...hmm...then things would really begin to get interesting.
So Vega, did you dust off your Palm, or did you get those times on an iPod? Just wondering.

You know there is some green field out there for you with level packs you have never played. Could be fun.
dusted off plam. literally.

as for level packs i haven't played, well i don't have room for any more replays on my palm. i keep having to manage my saved games by deleting certain ones to make room for more since i am saving to internal memory only. i bought a 4 GB card, but it didn't work. then mike flips told me that its because the phone doesnt accept more than 2 gb. brilliant of them to limit it like that eh? losers.

so anyways... yah man i am straight 'old school'. i still have the stick man only app, no texture of any kind. the last app i downloaded from the site was back in like 2006 when ghost bike became available.
Vega does your phone take sd or mini sd cards? I have a 500MB sd card still from the phone which no longer works, not much but about 6 times the memory built into a treo(if I remember correctly). I have no use for it, could mail it to you if you want it.
Can you send it to me electronically, through email or maybe a file sharing site?
*Pickle sits staring at computer trying to figure out if Vega is making a joke or being serious*

Pickle should know Vega well enough by now. Thanks for the offer. My friend here in SoCal actually has one for me too. He's been telling me he's gonna get it to me for a while now. And I think it's 1GB. I will let you know if it doesn't work out.

The SDHC (4gb+) format came out after that old treo you use.
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