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Screen freezing when pushing the "up" button

When I'm playing BoD on my Tungsten E2, I push the "Up" Button hard enough one my Palm and thing freezes up. When I let up on the "Up" button, the thing unfreezes. This a very major bug. It really screws up my strategy when play then "Superman Returns" level on the the New Generation level pack, I'm playing and the bike begins turning, I think I can recover but the freezing thing screws up the strategy and and I crash.

22 comments on 2 pages: 1 2 >>>>
oh, this began occurring when in Bike or Die 1.4b (aka the latest version).
i could have worn that you have said the exact same thing before...i'll check
I did, but I didn't get a response so I decided to come here.
I was just trying to beat my high score on the Bottle level in the Master KO level back. I start the level and then fucking thing freezes and then unfreezes and then freezes again. Do you know how much I want too throw my T|E2 at a wall because of this? The crashing thing I can deal with, but this is pathetic.

yah that lazy Sz. Never does nothin right. Not the creation of the entire game, the golden club, the new chat, or the flash game creator, or all the new levelpacks. Not to mention the bonus point restructure. And you are trippin over the bottle level??!!!!! THE BOTTLE LEVEL of all levels! Get a grip Nate will ya?
lol. i was just going to yell at him too for telling sz to stop being lazy nate stop pressing the button so hard. did you ever think the problem could be with your palm?? it is more logical. no one else is having this problem. get your palm checked. AND DONT YELL AT SZ
Hey Nate, if you are sure this is because of the latest version a.k.a 1.4b and not because of your T|E2 why don't you get the previous version like 1.4a or 1.4beta. I still have the 1.4 beta version on my palm and it works well with me. But if you want to throw your palm, don't throw it to the wall, just send it to me... i can catch it
Yes, I do have Bike or Die 1.4b.

As for the Sz stuff, I know he's responsible for everything regarding BoD, but he's done nothing (based on no responses in the comments for BoD 1.4 and BoD 1.4b) regarding the crashing problem or the freezing button.

I can't loosen my grip on the up button because is a habit and it would be very hard to stop pushing it hard.

I'll say this again:
-Freezing problem began in BoD 1.4b
-Crashing problem began in BoD 1.4
I have read all the bug reports and don't find anyone having problem with 1.4 in a T|E2 and get no respond from Sz. Is there anyone else who using T|E2 out there and are they having the same problem? (I use Treo650)
What do you mean with freeze? Is the freeze can be unfreeze if you press the up key or is it freeze for several second (maybe 10 to 15 seconds) and can't do anything and wait until it automatically unfreeze? Don't you think you just hit the pause button? Why don't you check the control option??
About crashing problem, i don't have any crashing problem anymore since the 1.4version. Before, when i change from one levelpack to another levelpack sometimes it can crash and i have to turn on my treo from the beginning but it seems all problem was solve with the new version. Thanks to Sz
Nate is right in that i should respond to his problem reports sorry...

but it still seems like a hardware problem and noone else has reported such behavior... especially that palm cannot detect how hard you are pressing a button, if it reacts differently then something is wrong with the hardware.

a similar issue was once discovered with some palms detecting a screen touch when the button was pressed very strong - but the effect was not freezing, it only moved the game view like it happens where you touch the screen. but if T|E2 sends thousands of system events in such condition, it could theoretically "freeze" the whole device temporarily until those events are processed.
see if the same happens if you touch the screen normally (i.e. touch and move) - this would indicate that your problem is connected with the touch screen.
"About crashing problem, i don't have any crashing problem anymore since the 1.4 version. Before, when i change from one levelpack to another levelpack sometimes it can crash and i have to turn on my treo from the beginning but it seems all problem was solve with the new version."

The crashing thing only happens when I exit BoD & I push the power button. Although, once in a good while, BoD exits and it turns off (instead of crashing) when I push the power button. Another thing I've found out is that if I open 2 or 3 levelpacks before opening a single level it crashes, I found this out when trying to find the levelpack with the Bottle level.

I'll downgrade to BoD 1.4a and see if the freezing thing happens there, I'll test with the Bottle level.
It still freezes, that's all me.

However, when I'm playing BoD, and I decide to turn the Palm off, the thing freezes.
Now I'm getting this error message when I turn off BoD after playing this: "MemoryMgr.c, Line: 3751: Free handle"

I sometimes get this error message: "MemoryMgr.c, Line: 3751: NULL handle"
You're finding several errors no one else sees, so it is most likely due to some other hardware or software problem.
I just found out the reason why the screen briefly freezes when pushing left, right, or select. It happen when I have "Disable other keys" check on the Control Preferences menu.

Anyways, here's an idea that might actually fix the crashing problem. For the controls: have the left button correspond to "Left," the right button correspond to "Right," the select button (aka the middle button) correspond to "Select." Because of my inability to use these buttons, I'm forced to use the Other option so that when I hit the left button the bike tilts left, I hit the right button the bike tilts right, and when I hit the select button the bike flips. However, these "Other" buttons/functions are very touchy, if I change something on the second page of the control preferences, the buttons set to "Other," are reset to "-None-."

Also, I currently have the "move" command set to correspond to the Up button, and the "brake" command set to correspond to the Down button. For the record, when what I said above occurs, the Move/Up and Brake/Down commands/buttons are unaffected, those two commands/buttons are not as touchy as the left, right, and select commands/buttons (as mentioned above)
Nate, your palm is truly a mystery!
but i just thought about something else: do you have any system extensions assigned to buttons? for example Hi-Launcher interacts badly with Arcade Reality when assigned to press-and-hold.
The only extension that's assigned to the buttons other than the default extensions are: Resco Backup assigned to the button normally assigned to Notepad, and SysInfo assigned to the button normally assigned to Contacts. Other than that, the button assignments remain as they were when I bought my E2 in July of 06.

Right now on BoD, the option to Display the map it assigned to button that's assigned to Contacts/SysInfo, and the option to Pause the game is assigned to button that's assigned to Calender (the Calender button has always been the calender button).

I should mention this, when I was looking for the buttons assigned to Display Map and Pause, I went to the control menu, clicked the button to take me to page 2 of the controls, after I noted what was assigned to what, I selected Cancel. When I when back to the Control menu, the drift left, drive right, and flip functions were set to "-None-" (which was the result of going to the control menu, going to page 2 and checking what buttons Display Map and Pause were assigned to). I changed them back to Left, Right, and Select (respectively), I selected OK, I pushed the home button on the touch screen, it took me to the home page (where all the applications installed on the RAM/ROM are listed). I hit the power, and it just shut off. It won't stay this way, next time I play BoD, I'll exit and turn it off, and the SOB will crash.

For the record, before I checked to see what Display Map and Pause were assigned to. I moved SysInfo to the PALM folder on my SD Card. Started BoD, and played "Sharper Than Glass" (it ended with me dying for the billionth time, still haven't defeated that level, or a level in either the You Qi or the Summer Pack levelpack (but I'm painstakingly trying to complete it)), anyways I pushed the Home button, hit the power button, and it crashed. So SysInfo can be eliminated from the possible troublemakers.
Well, I just moved BoD to my RAM (along with the sound file) and I deleted everything in the RAM (The game and all its preferences). I only briefly started (to re-enter) the options, but it doesn't crash anymore. I mess around with it a little more tomorrow.
Nate - that's great!
when the application is started from the card, it is silently copied to RAM and deleted afterwards - which means some additional bugs may appear (e.g. the application fails to cleanup correctly on exit). i can recall i used BoD on the card some time ago and nothing bad happened, but perhaps i broke it in the current version... well, at least there is something new i can test, thanks to your discovery!
Agreed, I think something was broken for the current version. Because I remember, versions ago (I can't remember the exact version), I used to be able to started from the card and nothing bad happened. Hell, back then I remember I could shut off My E2 without any problems. Now when I shut off my E2 (when BoD is playing) the thing crashes.

Until I hear back from you, progress-wise, I'm going to hold off playing BoD for the time being.
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