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7. Bike or Pi
in  BikeForce Requires v1.5 Contains Enhanced Graphics / BoD 2
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...390 ...400 ...404
#1 Kamirashi0:50,28
121 pts
ViewGot the best possible beginning and just played the rest of the level really safe.
#2 Andrew A0:50,78
116 pts
ViewGave it a few more goes...
#3 Spence0:50,90
112 pts
ViewI definitely get better when I dont play
#4 Mr.pickle.0:51,22
109 pts
ViewMy first gold is mine again, even tho it is only one gold after about 5 months I am good I gess...This can still go down around 3 seconds I think,my run has lotsa mistakes.
#5 BikerBrian0:51,30
107 pts
#6 Tyler0:52,90
105 pts
#7 Shane0:53,14
103 pts
#8 Kristopher0:53,58
101 pts
#9 Lee0:54,10
99 pts
Viewthat's better
#10 Laser0:54,58
97 pts
26 comments on 3 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 >>>>
is this really a mistake? - it's a tough little trick - I can only land one in 10 tries... so it's one of the "routes" for more experienced players over novices - the level time isn't wholely governed by this - so really - it's more of a "man - people always find a way round things" than "damn that design mistake"
mike flips
i think its a design mistake. It was the first thing i ever tried to do on this level because as soon as i started it was the most obvious way to get a fast time. Had someone landing it in the testing they would have put a mine there right away i think.
It IS necessary for a good time. I can only get 1:18 without it, but i just missed a nice 1:02 with it . It was also the first thing i tried on this level.

The reason that nobody saw it in the beginning is because if you check the original (in World Pi Day) it HAS the mine .
I'm with Mike and Xuzz. The entire right side of the level is useless now.
Definitely a design mistake. Quite sincerely, I mean no offense to the designer.
But I had positive aspirations that these types of findings would be a thing of the past for HoF levels.
I just don't understand why it couldn't just be closed off up there or put a mine there like Xuzz mentions.
Why make it "maybe" possible? Anything maybe possible in BoD becomes possible.
Because crazy people like us test the boundaries of physics and figure it out eventually.

I love tricks.... even tricks that save a few seconds or whatever.
But I hate to see large chunks of great levels skipped due to a "hole".
Stuff like So Close Yet So Far drives me nuts.
@Vega: Actually, it HAD a mine in the original:  Bike or Pi . For some reason it was taken out in this version One question though: you mentioned So Close Yet So Far, but how do you feel about the trick on steps? Im not sure if that was intentionally a "maybe", but it does skip a good part of the level (though only one person has done it)

The Steps trick is, to date, the hardest trick in the game. I don't think it ruined that level as much.
The general flow of Steps is still intact. You still navigate through most of the same map.
Seems kinda contradictory of me I know. But that does not seem to be a design flaw.
That is more of a preposterous abuse of the physics laws of this game, ever so kindly displayed by Th-Champ.
I'll get it one day, but it's insanely difficult.
I think it's a fine alternative route; the right side of the map is used in the "Pi Back" double feature edition.
At least until somebody figures out a way to jump through the gap on that one I would say it would be impossible, but "impossible" things have been done here before.
I personally think it IS possible, if just because of a fluke run i had that almost made it (If i had rotated the bike, I think i would have ). But only time will tell.
mike flips
Either way, the general difference is that for Steps, nobody saw it coming at all. Whereas for this level it was CLEARLY obvious people would try to take the shortcut. The same for So Close... I kept asking for more mines because I knew it could be jumped and yet it was finalized without enough mines.

Although it does also depend on timing as well. Way back, when Underground was made, I bet nobody ever thought of jumping the mines. Therefore it wouldn't be a design flaw. But if Underground was submitted now, jumping the mines is the first thing anyone would do so it would now be considered a design flaw.
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