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5. Trumpet
in  Supernatural Requires v1.5
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...1160 ...1170 ...1180
#1 Andrew A0:19,56
121 pts
ViewOk - that was fairly painless!
#2 mike flips0:19,68
116 pts
#3 BikerBrian0:19,78
112 pts
ViewI remember the day, like it was only 3 years ago, that Pickle submitted a gold medal run on this level and bragged about it 9 hours before the cut-off time for getting GC points (9pm EST). Then Mike took it away before Pickle got a single GC point, keeping him out of the club.

This run took me only about 200 tries on my iPhone. It is amazing how revisiting a level that you thought you had maxed out, is so much easier after gaining more experience.
#4 Mr.pickle.0:19,92
109 pts
#5 Kristopher0:19,94
107 pts
ViewToday is "reclaim your Golds on 19.xx levels by one frame day!"
#6 Champ0:19,96
105 pts
#7 Shane0:19,96
105 pts
#8 Kamirashi0:20,06
103 pts
101 pts
#10 Alpha0:20,22
101 pts
51 comments on 6 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>>>
p.s.wats a kudo?

"The new 'brownie points.'"
define: kudos

Kudos, from the Greek ?ýä?? kydos (literally "that which is heard of") means fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement; by extension is often used as a praising remark...

iether that, or it's a 1.0 oz (28 g) milk chocolate granola cereal bar produced by M& M Mars, currently offered in four varieties: M& Ms, chocolate chip, Snickers, and peanut butter.

Just what Kris said
now im just plain anoyd,I had played all day yesturday and gotten my time down to 19:96,I would have tied th-champ!but my dumb palm crashed before I hotsynced!!!!!!!!!!!!how anoying!oh well I would have kept playing intill I got 1st anyway so I gess it doesent changeanything exept now I won't have my gost,but oh well.....sad day for me
they are also quite delicioso
Mr P - for goodness sake, go and buy an SD card and back up your files to it.... how many times have you been on here saying you did this...
Learn my young Gherkin
I actuly have an sd card but my recordings werent on itwell actully they might be I gess ill find out tomoro when I have the right computer so I can hotsync
I just got 19,94 on this level goin to submit on sunday.....unfortatly tie ing krises time doesent count for a gold...I will try to get a frame or to better and MABY MABY kris and mike and any one else will let me keep it for a day and get a golden club point(if im lucky and they are feeling nice.....)
but its 2nd place weather they let me or not....
I think that I am happy with second here(I have the time I just cant submit till sunday)because trying to get better than 19,94 is ridiculas!I have tryd like 1000times!
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