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5. Trumpet
in  Supernatural Requires v1.5
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#1 Andrew A0:19,56
121 pts
ViewOk - that was fairly painless!
#2 mike flips0:19,68
116 pts
#3 BikerBrian0:19,78
112 pts
ViewI remember the day, like it was only 3 years ago, that Pickle submitted a gold medal run on this level and bragged about it 9 hours before the cut-off time for getting GC points (9pm EST). Then Mike took it away before Pickle got a single GC point, keeping him out of the club.

This run took me only about 200 tries on my iPhone. It is amazing how revisiting a level that you thought you had maxed out, is so much easier after gaining more experience.
#4 Mr.pickle.0:19,92
109 pts
#5 Kristopher0:19,94
107 pts
ViewToday is "reclaim your Golds on 19.xx levels by one frame day!"
#6 Champ0:19,96
105 pts
#7 Shane0:19,96
105 pts
#8 Kamirashi0:20,06
103 pts
101 pts
#10 Alpha0:20,22
101 pts
51 comments on 6 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>>>
maby,I think its jst that big levels you have to get more things correct in one run so there harder for me anyway,these little levels you just keep on trying and one try doesent take to long so there a little lessfrustrating,levels such as my little house if you try to do a trick at the end or something and mess up after a perfect run on the rest,for me that means my palm suddenly finds itself in the bushes below my window
mike flips
Maybe this is one of the newest levels and it hasnt developed yet?

And pickle, we arent stupid. Dont post "oh i think im going to try for 3rd place on this level, how long do you think it will take." And then post exactly 3rd place on this level a few hours later. I dont doubt that the other guys were wrong. I think it did take you all this time to get the medal and you just posted that you will go for 3rd on the same day that you finally got it to make yourself seem better.

But thats just my opinion, no one has to agree.
mike,I siad that around 3:00 and submited at around 10:00 I played bod from around 6:00 to7:25 or so when I said that I would do it I was in 12th place and hadent improved past that,it took me aroun700 trys to todo it I did not do it before I siad it I said it then did it a few hours later just because im new does not mean I can't be good yet,I owned the game for a year before I made an account(submitionproblems I emaild sz and he told me how to make it work)so im really not that new,I just never played hof packs before I made an account since I figerd that if I could not submit there was no use trying to get a good time,so im probly just as good as people in the top 30 or so.
You have absolutely no place to talk about how much I played or what order I did this in,you who claimes to play only 2hours a week,yeah right don't make me lagh,you had to play more than that to get that lead you have now(also youv been playing for a long time).
mainly im very upset,I get my first medal and you say I really worked a long time before but I dident I don't care what you think I did it in 700(aproxamatly it was really 738)trys within a month or so I should be up in the 40s then in a month and a half probly in the 30s after that I will slow down alot cause my times won't be so easy to improve so ill start getting golds on easy levels like this one
oh yea forgot to say one thing I intend to try for 3rd on every level I eve try because going for 1st is just lilly when 3rd gets ou almost as many points and if you were to get every level 3rd you would be overall in 1st in ttc so as far as im conserned ill settle for 3rd on any level,tho I may get a 2nd here and there because I may go faster without really trying but im not going to aim for 2nd or 1st mainly my stagety is settle for nothing worse than 4rth but try for 3rd.
Hey Mr P. I'm impressed you've got full Total Race already (took me a couple of years!) - and a medal....and even your spelling has improved - keep doing what you're doing...
pickle i like you i really do but if you insult mike again i will be forced to throw some insults so bad you might actually cry. mike has played for over a year and is in colleage he doesnt really have time to play. i have talked to hiim and he told me how he gets such great sucess and i believe him so SHUT UP!! thank you and good night
ummm...should I be concerned about you guys?
he insulted me first!!!
I know you don't have much time in college but he had to play for a while more like at least a half hour a day before he got in college.
oh yea by the way hows he get his great succes?come on im a noob im no reall threat(tho actully I don't think there is much of a stategy to actuly playing the game,maby what levels to go for but as far as playing the game goes.....)
mike flips
No matter what you say Pickle, i know you had 3rd in that level.

As for time i play each week, that has gone way down since september. I barely get 10 minutes a day if im lucky .

But i have a couple weeks off in december so that may help.

And thanks bones
mike flips
well everyone iv decided to go for 3rd on this level,how long do you think it will take me??
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