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3. Sequence
in  Supernatural Requires v1.5
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...2040 ...2050 ...2057
#1 toly0:17,82
121 pts
SecretThank you PMD. I think 17.5X is possible.
#2 Andrew A0:17,82
121 pts
ViewVery annoying!...

Slightly mistimed the rotation at the end which cost a frame or two. Not much, but it's a very tight level.
#3 Kamirashi0:17,94
116 pts
#4 Tabs0:17,96
112 pts
#5 PMD0:18,00
109 pts

A pretty smooth run, but it looks like Toly's must be just a little cleaner (probably at the last uphill before the finish).

Nice run Toly!
#6 adi250:18,00
109 pts
#7 Tyler0:18,02
107 pts
#8 Laser0:18,04
105 pts
#9 Smalls0:18,06
103 pts
#10 Lee0:18,10
101 pts
ViewShouldn't have gassed it and gone so high at the end!! - Damn
15 comments on 2 pages: <<<< 1 2
mike flips
There is no trick. Most are secret because people have nothing to show off here and are just too lazy to click public. My game is idential to PMD just a bit faster.
There's no trick that I can see - you just have to
have a smooth run.
I've opened mine. Nothing different than the other games. Like Tabs said, it's just a smooth run (though obviously not quite as smooth as his).
C'mon, I want some feedback, what's everybody's without the portal? I want to see what smootheness without the portal can do!
If you can grab the midair flag, going backwards first could get down to 15.xx or even 13.xx....but is it possible?
Carl China
I think so.
possible, but if you are able to snag your back whee; on the flag (the trick you are supposing) then you are position to low to the floor and run into the stones on the left at speed, avoiding death here equires you to slow down, could be a bit faster but i dont belive that a 13.xx is possible =)
*plz don't laugh at me if the times here are 13.xx in the future =p *
hey, don't forget steps, the trick even looks impossible there
I have tried, it is NEXT to impossible...I think if I were to spen a thousand tries I could probably get it, but alas,i have no patiants for such things...
Cody - I was able to get high 19's without the portal, but that was a crazy good run. I don't think that it will be faster..ever. But, who knows. I might be eating my words here in a year or two
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