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Golden Club
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#1 mike flips283707 days
#2 Andrew A196057 days
#3 BikerBrian117109 days
#4 Vega104570 days
#5 Laser94049 days
#6 Kristopher74757 days
#7 Kamirashi68109 days
#8 Spence67582 days
#9 Kenn46877 days
#10 Tabs45335 days
517 comments on 52 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 5 6 7 ... 51 52 >>>>
Scoring: Each day you own a gold medal gives you one point.
We play better now because all the good recordings are opened, and the tricks have been found. But they probably played just as much back then.
mike flips
kris, because the recordings are open now, it is harder.

Before, when the recordings were not opened, if somone found a good trick on a level, they could keep a gold for months and months, since there were fewer players, there was a small likely hood of it being beaten right after they got the gold so they would just keep holding it for a while...

now, there are so many players and with the trick visible on each level, all of these players know what to do and how to get the gold and therefore the competition to hold a gold is much greater
-> Vega gets gold for longest comment.

No, actually this is the longest comment:

Hee hee...
Mike Flips - You brought up a couple of good points. Although I wasn't around when Rachman was breaking records, I will agree with you that most (not all of course) of his games are not nearly as impressive now as they may have once been. Rachman may have raised the bar in his time, but his rankings have significantly dropped since more people have joined. I play a little differently anyway...I am not so much concerned about my ranking in any levels. I just try to have absolutely perfect runs and am not satisfied until I know I cannot do better. It just always seems to land me a gold. It appears that Rachman and some of the other old timers did not play out the levels perhaps as much as they could have. But... to each his own ....right? Like I said, maybe one day BOD will have 10,000+ members in the Time Trials and it will be the same story for us..........
mike flips
maybe rachman was famous because he showed all his games, and made sure that everyone knew he was the first one to show it.... like on mostly harmless i had the gold by over a second for a while by going off the ceiling but cirenco beat me and opened his game and people just assumed thats the way to beat the level, no one was like "wow!!! that was soo cool"

now, cool tricks are just not as "wow" any more because they happen all the time, and only once in a while like PMD on Vertical avenue, do they stand out

neways, u gotta start playing some more levels man!
You Qi
Well, level packs released for hall of fame nowadays are not 'new' anymore. Before we have the 'Levelpack Explorer', people are so exciting waiting for a new hall of fame level out. and levels before that are way too creative. Not like these days happen to have only 1 or 2 routes. and... one thing you must know, rachman doesn't really share his replay once he got his medal! But ofcourse people are so tempting to see how he did it and very politely, he always agree to show his style! and always with something that no one able to think out that time!
mike flips
i was thinking about that today you qi, the very fact that it took a long time for each new route to be shown... nowadays, i believe the players are better, and i feel that we are way more creative now than before...

this means that within the first few days, all possible routes are already thought of... look at sweet 15, in every level, the gold medal way is pretty much the best way to do the level, sure there are lots of ways to do mostly harmless, love maze, and braking school, but the golds are already the best routes... back in the day, the gold medals, as vega said were not thought out at all and so every few months a "new route" was discovered that would have already been found out if anyone thought through the level logically

you will see when the new level pack comes out, tons of creative ways to beat levels, and the fastest possible ways will be discovered in the first week... there are no surprises now because people today are just so much more creative...
mike flips
Vega, You Qi... and to everyone else...

with the release of New Deal, it is obvious that our lengthy Golden Club debate has come to an end.

Like i said to You Qi, the reason it is harder these days is because the players are much better. This has been clearly shown with New Deal.

Look at the best freestyle game (rachmans spring or die). Back then, it was voted the best freestyle game because people were amazed at it. However, look at Lunar Ice. Almost 10 different people figured out the whole springing thing, something that in the past would have been a miracle, but now is quite common. Or Assymetric... had it been released way back then, the fastest time would probably have been 43 seconds at most. But there are so many players today that are creative, that 31 seconds is the fastest route.

The golden club caters to those who played when there were no skilled players... nowadays, competition is very high and it is a lot harder to move up
mike flips
The golden club should not incorporate the freestyle compeition, or "bottle" levels...

Freestyle is a competition that rachman has always been leading because there havent been enough people who care to vote now, and back then everyone voted... his game isnt even any good, my little sister, at 10 years old, found that trick having played under 20 minutes in total...

also, there is no reason the people with golds on "bottle" levels should be getting points in the golden club (do they?). This is really unfair, they dont deserve golden club points, they just deserve to keep their medal as the first to do it... anyone else who matches it gets 100 points and no medal because they werent first, but they both acheived the same feat, why should one get golden club points just because they played it first?... or everyone that is tied with first on levels doesnt get a gold medal but they can have golden club points?
I completely agree about bottle levels and Freestyle not being included in the Gold Club. Also, the Freestyle comp needs to be revamped or something. It is a really great idea, but as everyone can see, nothing is happening there. I agree that Rachman's run is very outdated. Cool yes, but not spectacular enough at this point to be able to maintain the top spot with all the great players we have today. I think Mike is's just a lack of interest because it would take an act of God to put something out there that would get 50+ points.
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