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Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...440 ...450 ...454
#1 Andrew A0:29,38 / 16 LP
#2 Kamirashi2:11,62 / 16 LP
#3 BikerBrian2:27,36 / 16 LP
#4 Laser6:33,86 / 16 LP
#5 PMD6:40,40 / 16 LP
#6 casey13:18,02 / 16 LP
#7 SPiDeR15:29,48 / 16 LP
#8 Alpha16:08,50 / 16 LP
#9 Xuzz16:40,86 / 16 LP
#10 Mr.pickle.19:33,54 / 16 LP
Scoring is based on the total time needed to complete all levels.
Anyone feel free to call me names... "shorty" "hairy" "baldy" (bit of an oxymoron there - but there you go) - insults and nicknames are a classic part of the British and Kiwi culture, so if I call Mike SirMiksALotTheThird... then I may be missing the mark, but If I call Mr.pickle. a gherkin, then that's cost a gherkin is a pickle, and I don't expect to be called Mr myself
Ok baldy Nah, MR. Pickle, it's just a shorter name so we dont have to type as much. Think about it. If kris gets like a gold in like pipe universe, I dont think you wanna type in "Good job Kristopher!" Thats six extra letters, and I dont think you want to type it in. Or "Great job mike flips" another 6 extra letters So basically Mr.Pickle, the world is getting lazier by the minute and cant type in 6 extra letters Pickle is fine anyways. Not like we're calling you butthead or something
That's "Kristopher Windsor" to you!!
ok if you insist on a nickname then its mr.p. ok?
Hey pickle, let me give you some suggestions. First you have lost 20 years to catch my age

Nobody here ask you to stop playing bike or die, REALLY NOBODY!!! That's why we are here playing bod huh?? I guess in this forum everybody like nice person, because that's what i do like. We can get friends from all over the world (including the Tuvaluans ) here who love or even be a maniac of the same greatest game ever made.

I suggest you just playing the game, be a good player and stop giving unnecessary comment or too much bragging with a lot of ignorant typing mistakes. You know there is a big difference between a mistyping mistake and an ignorant mistake. For example.. a mistyping will type 'pain' with paim or paon.. only different in one letter left of right of the letter position on the keyboard. But an ignorant typer will type it as 'pane', a very different meaning with the same sound.

If you still acting like childish such as typing as the hell you like or easily getting mad etc.... nobody will like you here. You know, in my country childish people like to write or type in a very strange typing. For example if you want to say be right back, they can write like this: "b3 r1t3 b4ck" or something like this. So it's familiar to me to read your strange language because the picklester dictionary (not a webster, longman or oxford dictionary)has been planted in my head

Or if you are still an ignorant typer, less giving comments will give us much relieve then... you can choose by yourself
mike flips
Pickle, thats what im going to call you, although dill would be nice too.

Bones u have huge feet.

Henoch, you are still funny as always
Bones buddy, you wear 15 and half size shoe ??? How big is it if it is converted into European size? I only wear size 44 ( i don't know size what in American size.. maybe 11?? )
*** Bones buddy, you wear 15 and half size shoe ???***

oops.. miscounting.. it should be 13 and half
Picklehead - Get a Grip!

You are annoying the crap out of everyone and it seems as if you are doing it on purpose now. Don't PM telling me that I could take first in TTC but it's a shame that I don't even try. Incase you haven't noticed, I have a few medals already. You can't do that without "trying".

It's amazing that you have managed to annoy 'most' of the players in this forum. And it's not like we started giving you a hard time right away. It's been dozens and dozens and dozens of weird comments from you now and all of our patience is growing very thin. I personally am borderline ready to just completely ignore your posts from now on until you can become at least slightly normal. **!PLAY!** BoD and prove you are worthy of socially interacting with. I am not a mean person, but GEEEEEEZZZ!!!!!!
I can talk if I like theres not one thing you can do to stop me,I play bod already vega I think I'm doing pretty good,i'v only been here for like a month, I do NOT type bad on perpose henoch,despite what you may think,I just right everything on paper so i'm not really used to a keybourd. and stop telling me to"play the game"I do play the game ,my rank IS consitantly going up,just cause i'm not top 50or 20 or 10 or whatever you guys think it takes for me to be somebody does not mean I cant post,all of you in top 50 and up(exept a few people who seem to not mind me much and a few who evan like me{yes they do exest})seem to think no one else can talk,sz made the game for everyone not just for the top 50, my apinion is that the top 50 anoiy the"crap"out of every one with a lower rank.

how much you want to bet that now that i'v said this everyone is going to tell me to shut up AGAIN.
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