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Time Trial Champions
See also: 5 Years On Bike! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...12040 ...12050 ...12053
#1 Andrew A26590 pts
#2 Kamirashi25299 pts
(1291 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 BikerBrian24862 pts
(437 pts behind Kamirashi)
#4 PMD22996 pts
(1866 pts behind BikerBrian)
#5 Laser22982 pts
(14 pts behind PMD)
#6 mike flips22746.5 pts
(235.5 pts behind Laser)
#7 Tyler21431 pts
(1315.5 pts behind mike flips)
#8 casey20377 pts
(1054 pts behind Tyler)
#9 Shane20232 pts
(145 pts behind casey)
#10 Kristopher20227.126 pts
(4.874 pts behind Shane)
- 121 pts for the best time in a level
- at least 1 point for completing a level
Read more:  Scoring method changed
 "Time Trial Champions" Changes
Oh I don't make typos anymore (hopefully).
Once you know the abbreviations, they are faster to read than the full text, and if you don't know them, you can check with Google or Wikipedia.
Faster to type you mean. BTW olny rly lazy ppl should use abbrvs.
Idk this time brian I will cach up eventually to be sure,but for now,I will make top 20 I think but I dont think I will be passing you agian........and come to think of it imi saposed to take the cmr gold after getting top 20.......well hopeffully no one will mind if I finish getting top 30 on standerd first......,and maby wait till after the new pack comes out to but I will tackle cmr eventually!
"IIRC" abbreviates a phrase, not a single word, so it is faster to read.

You have to know what's in the dictionary. (And use proper capitalization!)
Ha! I found Kristophers secret message!!!:
I guess I haven't had a PNG image since then.
That image is from last year.
I think I may actully have a decent submit tomoro maby like 300 points or so..but as for the intro vid,well Idk.................
just submited,dont know how much it will do......unfortunattly I dident know I would have a chance to submit another intro vid till yesturday and so I dident have much time to try(but if I had had time I would own!...)so il try some more this afternoon show you my awsoome route after the competition is over if I cant land it good enuf this afternoon.
dident quite make top 20.......
Pickle, congrats on Top 21, but I'm disappointed . I was hoping you would pass me today... so I could pass you back. I'd been saving points just for you .

I didn't want to save them until next Sunday, so I submitted a few of my games. Up to 18 in TTC and 14 in TR .

I also hate to be the one to break the news to you, but you are no longer Top 30 in OrR or Sweet 15 .

Level count update:
Brian: 93
Pickle: 84
Ties: 1
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