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12. Clay Serpent
in  Standard Levels
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...2810 ...2813
#1 Andrew A0:31,96
121 pts

This is definitely (imo) the quickest route.

Smalls gets a blinding (and almost unrepeatable) brake and run up the last hill in his run. My finish is very cagey by comparison - fed up with dying..

Another 0.2+ sec to be had.

Takes me to 60 Golds.

Going to have a celebratory cup of tea - with a generous dash of added Smug..
#2 Smalls0:32,06
116 pts
ViewOpen...I guess it was about time...almost 8 years later. Sorry it took so long!
#3 Vega0:32,24
112 pts
ViewUnquestionably the hardest I have ever worked for a silver medal in all my years of Bike or Die
#4 Cirenco0:32,26
109 pts
#5 Kristopher0:32,28
107 pts
ViewA bit faster, but still no other trick.
#6 mike flips0:32,40
105 pts
#7 BikerBrian0:32,44
103 pts
#8 Mr Floss0:32,46
101 pts
#9 MATA0:32,50
99 pts
#10 Schneider0:32,52
97 pts
21 comments on 3 pages: <<<< 1 2 3
thanks MATA, i bet you can beat that if you want.
What a great level! It's probably the easiest level that makes you go upsidedown.
Kris loves all the levels I don't. (Snake, The Catapults, Clay Serpent....) Clay Serpent is among my least favorite levels in Standard....too rickitty rackitty.... like Snake. It's too easy to die for no apparent reason. But anyway I may post a better time here pretty soon
I absolutely love Clay Serpent. I love most the standard levels except the last one because they are generally short and sweet. I hate these new type levels that take ages to complete (longer than 45 secs) as they are not fun for me. They become a chore and when I mess up just before the end after a nice 1 min 30 sec run, well my palm is going to go out the window one of these days!
this is lik my favorate level in standerd I just think its alot of funI don't know about time stuff on this one but as far as just playing this is alot of fun
In many cases, levels that are fun to play are not necessarily fun to compete on. My favorite levels are the ones that are still fun when you are pushing it to its limit. Playing this level to get 34.xx to 36.xx is pretty cool. But trying to get into the 32.xx range and go for a medal is not that fun. (in my opinion)
Hmm... I just love this level! I would happily play for ever to get a 32.xx. In fact, I think I'll do that.
its a fun level to a sertain degree after you get it so fast as vega siad it just gets frustrating,tho eventually I will have to get a good time here......
GRRRRRRRRR! I got 35,46 but it saved as 00,60 0n L-1
just got 33;sixty somethinthat makes a good enuf rank for me..
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