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Bike or Die 2 Intro
on 28 May 2008
The best recording(s) will be included in the Bike or Die 2 Intro!
Show your most interesting, dynamic, unexpected and/or funny ride.
Of course you have to play on  Bike or Die 2 Title. This level cannot be finished so it's ok to end by crashing. Use "Save The Last Game" to create recording file.
16 games on 4 pages: 1 2 3 4 >>>>

Score: 88.38%


on Bike or Die 2 Title

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Score: 80.944%


on Bike or Die 2 Title

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Score: 80.18%


on Bike or Die 2 Title

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Score: 77.9%


on Bike or Die 2 Title

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Score: 75%


on Bike or Die 2 Title

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66 comments on 7 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>>>
I do think that Sz should have some sort of "Golden Vote" on the winner.

I think that having more days to submit is a fine idea, if you think that some are not getting to spend the time that they might on the weekend - BUT - this is only sensible if it doesn't mess with Sz'z "timing" on release of BOD2...

Getting to see a Mike-perfect run would be worth waiting for.

I too hope that ghosting to increase votes has been sorted (like people have to have submitted on 5 different levels before they can vote say (?) - I don't know if this would fix it though - as I think you can have lots of digfferent names on a single device with a paid version of the game on it)
ok, extending the competition by 2 days!
the submission deadline is now May 26th, 22:00 GMT

i planned launching BoD 2 on June 1st, but this is sunday, so this will be changed to friday or monday.

the real intro will look better than the flash replay you can see here because of 3D, camera movement and the improved bike graphics.

votes are weighted by the number of completed levels - so it is less likely that someone might spend so much time playing BoD just to break the competition (while regular BoD players don't have to do anything special to be recognized as serious voters)
Wow! That means 1 week until BoD 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!! w00t!
hmmm... bummer about the completed level weight medals are pretty heavy objects, right?
vega: your example shows that this is not a very good method for detecting serious players so perhaps i should change the weighting formula to:
max(percentage of completed levels,best levelpack rank)
(where rank is expressed as percentage, #1=100%, last=0%)
works for me, bud.


If you release it on Firday, what time will it be?
One thing to everyone (voters and submitters):
This is a title screen. I like going down first, but how then does it say "Bike or Die 2!" at the beginning? I would recommend that you vote/submit runs that go over the text.
If the dynamic zooming is correct (panning out more the faster the guy goes) - you'll get a lovely shot of the text if you go across the top at speed anyway.
But I think you're right - there has to be a path taken over the text for the "sales pitch" - but quite frankly, if I'm impressed with the run, I'm not going to demerit it just because it doesn't take a path around the map that I might have pre-conceived in my head.
Everyone should just go nuts and see what they can create - don't hamper an artis with boundaries and constraints - this is NOT a flag-gathering exercise. If Sz thought it needed to have constraints - HE would have set them.
What i really meant is that if you don't go over the text at all, it kinda messes up the run. Like my submission.
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©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING