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Golden Club
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#1 mike flips283007 days
#2 Andrew A194557 days
#3 BikerBrian116634 days
#4 Vega104195 days
#5 Laser93799 days
#6 Kristopher74557 days
#7 Kamirashi67384 days
#8 Spence67332 days
#9 Kenn46702 days
#10 Tabs45210 days
517 comments on 52 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 33 34 35 ... 51 52 >>>>
Scoring: Each day you own a gold medal gives you one point.
ahh yes evolution something I can combat! Thats one of the few things I can argue at least a little because I know more about evolution then I do about taxes,econamy and such...

Cody I dont really understand what your saying there...
If it takes 0.5 millaseconds less time for the earth to go around each year, then evan IF the world WAS a billion years old like all evolution people seem to think it would mean it would take longer, not a negative amount
at least I think I understand what you said there... I was frankly a little confused by your whole comment there....

darwin himself said that IF his theory was true that there would be fossils of half evolved creatures and such, and gess how many REAL finds there have been of thos? A BIG ROUND ZERO!THIS MUCH 0,NONE ZIP,End of discussion,Period,BYEBYE!

Also cody if you want someone who can explain things better than me, read my quote on the polotics bikers cafe thread, aka the longest comment in BOD history(Of course its debated weather or not it counts since most of it was sa quote...but I dont care thats not what I was setting out to do...)

Just read that whole page and get back to me please .
OK, for each arguement i have an answer....

Earth's rotation: http://www.talkorigin

Any others?
I feel that God made these theories so more people can have faith in him. The main point is that they are all "theories." Nothing has been proven. If these theories such as Darwin's or the Big Bang were true, people would lose faith in God. That is why they can't and won't be proven BASED ON MY BELIEFS. My beliefs, don't diss.

@Picklemiester: THERE YOU GO TREATING THE OTHER RELIGIONS AS MINORITIES. Although, I do have to agree with you, people in today's world get offended so easily. It's all these dang hippies making everyone politically correct :O Anyways, I bet the other religions say the same thing too. They treat all those other religions with disrespect based on their religion. I guess it's sort of ethnocentric? Idk if that's only for ethnicity ;O But yeah. Don't say that about other religions even though you may "know" it's true. BTW are you morman? Cuz in your earlier post, you stated Jesus, the holy ghost, and God were all the same. That's what differentiates us from other Christians. BIG WORDS
No champ I am not a mormon, I am what you call a southern babtist

xuzz I unfortunattly honestly dont have time to read thos, maby sometime this week I will...

Champ, in the case of muslim, I have no problem saying there religon is stupid,selfish,and overal ritarded and that there all stupid. There holy book literally sais they should kill all christians, HOWS THAT FOR DISRESPECT!?!?!

2 statistics xuzz.

the likelly hood of evolution evan being remotely true is ten to the 40th power.

the likelly hood of one man fullfilling every single profaccy in the bible(which Jesus did)is something like 10 to the power of three hundred something. If my bible can defy all that, I think I know which one I am going to belive.

Champ jesus the holy gost and God are all the same, yet they are different they are one and many,the beggining and the end,ect...we as humans will never understand this it is beyond our comprehencion(spelled wrong...)
The likely hood of pickle spelling a random word correctly is around 1:10^300,592 (^ means to the power of).....
Hey dude, my best friend is Muslim. Just because they are Muslim doesn't mean they believe in that killing. It sets a bad example for their culture when Islamic terrorists do that stuff. I just don't see how a religion can believe in killing, though. Main point: Not all of a religion believes in the same thing. Examples: Not all Iranians believe in killing Jews. Not all Muslims believe in killing Americans. There are a lot of nice people in the world who can do a lot for you, but if you judge them based on their religion, your not gunna make it, I'm sorry to say =/ Since America is the most free country out of all, they allow freedom of religion as of the first amendment. I heard something, I don't know where, but white people are going to be overruled in the United States since the diversity is changing constantly... idk just thought I'd bring that up o.o
You missunderstand me,not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims,not time for anymore right now...later..
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