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Total Race
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...440 ...450 ...454
#1 Andrew A0:29,38 / 16 LP
#2 Kamirashi2:11,62 / 16 LP
#3 BikerBrian2:27,36 / 16 LP
#4 Laser6:33,86 / 16 LP
#5 PMD6:40,40 / 16 LP
#6 casey13:18,02 / 16 LP
#7 SPiDeR15:29,48 / 16 LP
#8 Alpha16:08,50 / 16 LP
#9 Xuzz16:40,86 / 16 LP
#10 Mr.pickle.19:33,54 / 16 LP
Scoring is based on the total time needed to complete all levels.
oops forgot to say this(sorry)ahem.
7 packs down 5 to go!!!!i'm past half way!!!!I can't prove it till tomoro of cource but maby ill evan be able to finesh sweet fifteen to!!(only 4 levels unbeaten on that pack)
I just beat sweet 15 and new deal your all right braking school is insane!but it couldent hold up to more than 134 tries of my insane skillslol)oh yes one more thing,ahem.
9 PACKS DOWN 3 TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I'm doing prettly good as far as total race goes,ut I am nowhere near to beating inside building,or dant's,dantes,oh well I can't remember how to spell it oh well....any who after finehing all thos levels I can get into top 50 without that much truoble bye getting all my scores into top 100 and that should do it
great news,wonderfull news,best news on this side of antartica news!!!I beat old school,and next gen!!! now I just have to beat"sixpack squared" and that will be every level!!!!!!I wonder am I doing thee levels average,slower,or faster than most????
I DID IT I BEAT ALL LEVELS!!!! YESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!(and some green ones of cource)(but not to many)
did I do this slower,average,or faster than most players?
i'm so happyDnow to get mack to making my pack and after that,improving my times
You will know exactly how you did Pickle when you submit your times. You don't have them all submitted yet or it would show that you completed 12 level packs and right now you still have a few missing.

So, submit them and let's find out.

If you question is how fast someone completed all 12 packs, you can't really compare since most people have just played them as they come out.
Hey Pickle, i see you haven't submit your game yet. Come on, let's see what rank will you be after you submit them.
I don't have acces to the computer with my hotsync stuff on it till sunday(my computer is to slow so I use my dads at work)
Pickle, it seems you forget to submit the summer pack and haven't submit the sweet fifteen.. since you only stay on 5 Levelpack in your total race.

its not that I havent submited them its that they won't submit I have beat"the beach,castle,catipult back,and triangle"like 10 times each but they won't submit! I havent alterd the level and I dident use an easter egg so I duno what the problem is,apparently its a "invalid recording file"whatever that means
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