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Time Trial Champions
See also: 5 Years On Bike! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...12050 ...12053
#1 Andrew A26590 pts
#2 Kamirashi25299 pts
(1291 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 BikerBrian24862 pts
(437 pts behind Kamirashi)
#4 PMD22996 pts
(1866 pts behind BikerBrian)
#5 Laser22982 pts
(14 pts behind PMD)
#6 mike flips22746.5 pts
(235.5 pts behind Laser)
#7 Tyler21431 pts
(1315.5 pts behind mike flips)
#8 casey20377 pts
(1054 pts behind Tyler)
#9 Shane20232 pts
(145 pts behind casey)
#10 Kristopher20227.126 pts
(4.874 pts behind Shane)
2813 comments on 282 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 50 51 52 ... 281 282 >>>>
- 121 pts for the best time in a level
- at least 1 point for completing a level
Read more:  Scoring method changed
 "Time Trial Champions" Changes
is you qi gone for good? is a man who has consistentley been in the top ten for about two years gone? he hasn't submitted since november 19th.
mike flips
he hasnt submitted since the last pack, i think hes still here

go on chat if ur on the site now
THIS IS THE 10000 MESSAGE ON FORUM. congrats to sz for a great game and website
congrats to mike flips as he is the first player to medal in all packs including new deal.
mike flips
Wow. That sure looks very impressive Lots of colors!
anyone notice how most inactive plqyers took a big drop this last august???? wonder why??(i know its obvious) but how many people bought the game that month? i mean look at the drop!!
that's when the new ranking system was implemented
mike flips
the new ranking system last august didnt change anything, all the top players were not affected at all (its main purpose was to give an equal ammount of points for ties)I think they started falling because a lot of new players were stepping up their game, for example, thats when i started medalling and thats when Cirenco first submitted.

They started falling after newbie pack and then again after sweet 15 and new deal.
Mike...bones is right. Look at my chart. When the new system came out, my ranking sunk overnight. It changed lots of player's ranking
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