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Time Trial Champions
See also: 5 Years On Bike! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Pages: 1...10 ...19
#26 Gustavo W15425 pts
#27 ppa14849 pts
(576 pts behind Gustavo W)
#28 Cirenco14841.5 pts
(7.5 pts behind ppa)
#60 LocoM9792.75 pts
(5048.75 pts behind Cirenco)
#117 Juampy5109.71 pts
(4683.04 pts behind LocoM)
#119 Polo5077.838 pts
(31.872 pts behind Juampy)
#176 Joseto2870.75 pts
(2207.088 pts behind Polo)
#290 Rcl1428.366 pts
(1442.384 pts behind Joseto)
#298 Roberto Var1398.789 pts
(29.577 pts behind Rcl)
#346 Parawa!!!1065.062 pts
(333.727 pts behind Roberto Var)
2813 comments on 282 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 ... 280 281 282
- 121 pts for the best time in a level
- at least 1 point for completing a level
Read more:  Scoring method changed
 "Time Trial Champions" Changes
Nice Seeing you back around Th!

I'm realizing that at this point I'm willing to sift through decompiled byte code to reverse-engineer the physics engine, but am short a source file. I can find the palm pilot version as abandonware places, but the tooling for decompiling and investigating those is nearly nonexistent.

To that end, if anyone has an iOS package available, send it my way ( I've asked PMD for a copy of the game I sent him way back that also includes the editor, as that may speed up the process rather than rebuilding it from scratch.

I have experience with Godot, so I imagine that would be a good surface to port it to once I can figure out what's going on underneath.

The only downside is that I doubt that we'd be able to continue to use this site for outputs from the new game. If someone were interested in understanding how the *replays* worked, that's a blocker I haven't even gotten starting thinking around.

But Th surfaces a real risk - one day may just 404. As a fallback (and perhaps an easier place to organize), I've made a discord: Once I have something started I'll be putting updates there.
was literally about to come here to say I can make a discord. I don't have coding experience (learning now at my job actually) but any way I can contribute I would be heavily interested in. Joined the discord, hope to see more on there.

Champ, your message brought out the feels man. Miss this community even 15ish years later.
Join the Discord so you can talk to me anytime, anywhere.
Hi everybody, I'm an unknown guy here but this game is one of my childhood games and I absolutely love it! Long story... I just came here to say that thedudeguy, Champ and me, are creating a spiritual successor to BoD and have created a website teasing the game, you can find our Discord over there!
It is true. L4gger625 has put in a substantial amount of work into the Bike or Die: Revival project. We are a team of Bike or Die veterans and visionaries here to resurrect the legacy.

Legends never die.

Happy 18th anniversary of Bike or Die's 1.0 release Thank you for being a part of the Bike or Die family for all these years and many years to come. Feel free to join our Discord server for frequent updates and to connect with other Bikers!

We're always looking for new talent to help Bike or Die 3.0 come to fruition. We can't do it alone. Happy biking, my friends.

(if you're reading this, Sz... please come home )
Gotta chime in here. I frequently check in on BoD. A truly serious tragedy to see this amazing game flounder into basically oblivion. Champ - I dunno what this new site is, but I'm very happy to see some die hard BoD'ers doing something [anything] to keep the game alive. I have commented publicly on this forum and attempted to reach Sz on other platforms that I would love the opportunity to buy the ownership rights to Bike Or Die outright. I don't know what the game is worth monetarily. (maybe zilch at this point?) That has nothing to do with my interest. I am neck deep in managing a wildly successful mortgage channel for a Top 5 bank and have no material dreams of striking it rich in a defunct game of yesteryear.

No. The real truth is that Bike or Die is in my blood por vida. I simply want to be an Ambassador of Bike or Die, and would be grief stricken if BoD ever went dark/offline for good. I believe this is the one of the most incredibly complex and fantastically challenging games ever created, on any platform that exists. The possibilities are virtually endless. I know I am not alone. And that lends credence and clout to confirm that there's something special, something different about this crazy game.

Champ/Laser/Bones/the dudeguy/BikerBrian/Pickle/AndrewA/PMD, and I suppose newcomer L4gger625... (and dozens and dozens of other long time comrades of BoD) whatever happens, whoever has connections, please keep me in the loop. I would love to find a way to keep BoD alive and personally be involved in some kind of substantial capacity if possible.

Hey everybody

I am not going to pretend that I would be of any use at all whatsoever in helping create a new game when it comes to the technical details. That being said, I did bookmark the revival website you guys made and if/when you get to beta testing I am more than happy to help if that would indeed be helpful.

If anyone ever does manage to get in touch with SZ I am 100% on board with helping to fund a purchase of the website/game from him. I keep hoping I will log on here and find that he in a spout of nostalgia will have logged in and seen all of our comments and gotten in touch with someone to give or sell the game to us but so far no such luck.

Anyways, all this to say I hope you all are doing well and if there is anything I can do to help I am happy to do so but I am afraid anything regarding game design is outside my skillset... See you all next time I log in (Probably something like 6 months from now I will find myself wondering if anyone saw my last post haha

Its kind of depressing logging in here but also just so so nostalgic
Look what I found…

If you go into app store on ios, Szymon is still piddling around and releasing apps occasionally. I found one he released last year (2024) called Resistor Brain, its some sort of AI game, i am honestly not sure how it works or what it is for. Anyways, thought i would share. I left a comment hoping he would see it saying he should try to log in here and contact someone who was ready to buy BOD from him. Probably wont hear back but… worth a shot? Maybe not, but i sure have the itch still and wish I could play. If you want to find his apps just search in ios for Toyspring in developers, he pops right up.
A review, not a comment*. I left a review on his app hoping he would see it. Maybe everyome else should do that too.
Mr. Pickle. Join our discord. He responded recently. Details are in our Discord comments. But he released a video of him converting it to Android too. He's been spotted more recently than in previous years. Very interesting though, great catch, Pickle.

I just looked up Toyspring in the App Store and he released a sailing game in 2020. Will do more research when it's not 4am. Butyeahman, would love to catch up with you. I'm on socials @DividedWarrior too.
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©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING