Golden Club
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...130 ...138
 |  | mike flips | 283707 days | |
 |  | Andrew A | 196057 days | |
 |  | BikerBrian | 117109 days | |
#4 |  | Vega | 104570 days | |
#5 |  | Laser | 94049 days | |
#6 |  | Kristopher | 74757 days | |
#7 |  | Kamirashi | 68109 days | |
#8 |  | Spence | 67582 days | |
#9 |  | Kenn | 46877 days | |
#10 |  | Tabs | 45335 days | |
Sz |  |  | Scoring: Each day you own a gold medal gives you one point. |
mike flips |  |  | thanx smalls see you soon!!! |
Vega |  | |
Smalls |  |  | Very true, I guess I might have spoken too soon  |
Kristopher |  | |
mike flips |  |  | nah, smalls is next  |
Smalls |  |  | I don't like commenting much after Mike, it makes any golds I have look pretty pathetic. That's cool for you though Mike! |
Schneider |  |  | u dont like commenting look at me! I have moved up 10 places in golden club so far! Im proud of my 1 gold  |
bones |  |  | i was just thinking... maybe there should be a place to remmember people with medals as well. like when someone beats a guys last gold his golde club days are over but odds are on him still having a medal for a while after that. what if there was another page like this but golds are worth 3 silvers 2 and bronzes 1.. just an idea. let me konw what you think. |
mike flips |  |  | yea bones, if you read the history of comments, i think a few people said an "achievements club" or something would be nice |
Smalls |  |  | Agreed, also the medals by country, I think medals should be worth points. Golds-5, silvers-3, and bronze-1, or something, that would take some of the pressure off golds. It would also make it to where when a gold medal is lost, the time is still worth something. |
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