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Bike or Die 2 Released

Here comes the new Bike or Die!

Download: Bike or Die! 2

The most important difference is graphics - now it is possible to design levels using multiple textures and there is a nice 3D effect making everything look more real than ever.

Summary of version 2 changes:
  • Improved level design, more textures, 3D-like effect
  • Background music
  • High contrast mode
  • Customizable bike appearance
  • "Player Profiles" for storing multiple configurations, especially useful when playing with family or friends
  • Variable zoom
  • "Map mode" is no longer static, you can even play on the map screen (as long you can manage to steer a tiny bike)
  • Commonly used menu commands can be assigned to buttons

    Note: V1-> V2 upgrade is not free

    59 comments on 3 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 >>>>
    Update: Bike or Die! 2.1
    well if any one gets a palm instead of a treo,DON'T GET A ZIRE!!!!my old zire after just 2 years will not turn back on,something about the charger connection being to loose...
    No, get a Zire 72! It is the best (cheap) palm there is...
    You really keep your palms for two years? I had my Zire 72s for 50 weeks before I replaced it with a Treo 680 Arctic. I sold it to Greggie for 10 quid and he was happy with it for about the last three months and now the battery is annoying him.

    The Centros are cheap as chips but the 5-way pad doesn't look like it's anything like as good as the Treo/Zire ones. If anyone has one I's be interested to know what i's like.

    I aggree, Zire 72s is awesome but not for long-life!
    zire 72 is pretty much the best for boding on because it has nice big buttons(unlike this tiny butoned treo)
    but it won't last more than around 2 years...
    I only had my (used) zire for 1 year, but it worked fine. My zodiac(s) have lasted 4-5 and are fine.
    I just spotted the player names on the bike frame of the intro runs - v cool...
    Because you can see your own name
    what do you mean ibanez and xuzz?
    On the Bod2 intro, on the bike's frame, there is the name of the person who did that run.
    It won't accept any of my mom's credit cards.
    Fixed it, the new version is AWESOME!
    Great updates Sz!!
    And no major bugs!
    (I just got back from Disneyland. )

    Erich, how long do you wait before resetting your TH55?
    Some Sony palms are probably too slow for this game, but that one should work.
    (Wikipedia reports 123MHz. )

    I agree the Zire 72 was not very durable - especially the charger cable.
    The T3 is similar (less the camera) and seems to work better.

    Cody, what credit card numbers did you try?
    ...Don't answer that!
    I waited like some 30seconds. Maybe not long enough? I'll try again! 123MHz is correct (although it's variable up to 123 max, but then I don't know if the programmer has to choose the frequency necessary, or if the device is setting it itself...)
    Anyone else playing it on a TH55?
    Bike or Die! 2.0b fixes a serious bug that caused the intro to crash depending on the font installed in the device. it worked flawlessly on my treo, but it could crash on *some* demo rides on *some* devices or it could crash at the very begining. sony uses different fonts so perhaps the TH55 problem is related to this bug - try the new version, Erich!
    Besides from the graphics, are there other differences why I should upgrade?
    Thanks Sz! I just wanted to report that disabling Fonts4OS5 made version 2.0a work... So, I'm sure 2.0b completely fixed that problem!

    I also couldn't make 2.0a to use the virtual graffiti area in full screen mode. Going to test this, too.

    Further, some of my best times got lost (in certain level packs) and I also have to complete the first levels again to be able to continue in the higher levels. And this, although my recordings are still there on my extension card. (I'll try restoring the recording an result files from my backup, but can't do that until next week... )

    that^^^is a cusom skin made by sz(I found it on the old beta testing page)I like it personally.
    that should be "custom"not "cusom"
    ©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING