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Tools to search comment from one user Sz
keep the faith - i already started working on this

and for now i have a brand new feature: RSS (completely unrelated to the search tool, but i just wanted to show you that i'm not dead yet). of course after it is released, you will see nice rss icons in places where the comments or threads can be tracked via RSS.

v1.4: New features, new levelpack, more fun! Sz
why not, i could make the java application search in subfolders

mysterious slowdown: haven't seen it yet, but the missing ghost recording is not the reason (or at least it is not sufficient to trigger this behavior) - i just removed one of my recordings and the level plays normally (without ghost)

btw.  "Bike or Design" v1.2 released

Improving the website, Act 2 Sz
it turns out the index is not that much bigger for 2 and 3 letter words, so i changed it - and you can now search for "Lee" or "Sz"
mysql excludes some common words by default: doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-stopwords.html

How many hands do you use to play BoD? bones
on the tx i can use my thumb to hit two buttons at once not including the flip button.

I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS SPACE TO ADVERTISE SUPER SMASH DOJO!!! Search it on google click the link and look at daily updates on the game super smash brothers brawl

Pickle awards!!! Kristopher
Congrats on announcing yourself the most nerdy, Xuzz!!
I couldn't argue because I was at a cabin near the snow, learning MySQL.
They seem to follow me around, anyway. ( /search?q=kristopherwindsor+nerd )

BTW, my Tapwave Zodiac broke about a month ago, and I'm out of practice playing five minutes a day on my T3, so... back to Super Smash Brothers Melee!

previous device Kristopher
There's a forum search form at the top of this page.

I would guess either you logged in as Zop and changed your password (through this site) from the original one shown on your Palm, or your Hotsync ID has changed. (I think the default password is based on the Hotsync ID, but I am not sure.)

Either way, you can email Sz to merge the accounts Zop and Zoppy for you.

Zop:   Zop

polls Kristopher
I think it would be rather (practically) impossible to integrate a standard forum here; there are medals shown next to the player names, the current "my profile" section, which is much different from a forum "member profile" page, the chat, the changes ticker, ect. It would be too hard to upkeep, especially since Champ keeps changing his name.

It'd be much easier this way:

News Sz
Improving the website
As you may have noticed, there are 2 new elements in the player profile pages - rank distribution chart and small green/red level rank charts. (Both these ideas come from Ibanez - thanks!)

This is the first of many planned improvements i'm going to implement before releasing BoD v2 (the most important ones are the search facility and Freestyle competition revival)

Stay tuned

7 Years On Bike! Laser
Since there haven't been very many new packs recently, it might be a bit of work to search through old packs for quality levels.

That said, once we would be going through the trouble to do so, we might as well try to make a larger pack than usual to make it last, let's say 25 levels.

I'm very willing to help out with the selection process, and we can make use of the chat room to talk over ideas.
PM me any time to get on (with the exception of right now because I'm busy )., Gone! Erich
My 3 freeware products which were listed aren't there anymore... The old links are not redirected at all... You'll have to do a new search for the program on the pocketgear site! This is not only bad for us, but also for Palm! The site which had most of the software easily available, is just gone! They probably just didn't make enough money from palm software anymore, could that be?

Biker's Cafe Kristopher
Big Bike or Die! Forum!!! {:-D)
It took all day, but I used my programming to put all of the messages from this entire site into ONE web page! Now you can search the forum! The page also has a list of the people who posted the most. (I am surprised, PrayeR has posted more than I have ) And it's only 2MB (plus images)!

300 pages in one: ristopherwindsor/bikeforum.html

Like the new format and color scheme?

Btw, how do you use ?

recordings not loading Spence
well wut happened is that when when my recordings were moved to my sd card, the next time i hotsynced, my pc thought i deleted them and moved the backups to the archive folder (id rather not search through them, theres over 1000 files in there)so like i said i did put my sd card in my card reader and installed all the files in the siuluns folder but nothing happened...

6 Years On Bike! Vega
i've never liked ebay. i don't use it to sell and i don't like shopping on the site. it seems confusing to me and difficult to find things. the search feature is lame, and searching by category usually brings up things i'm not interested in. personally, i like shopping locally through craigslist. and i can post anything i need to sell, and it's usually out of my house in less than 24 hours. back in the day... if you wanted to swap out a piece of furniture or something, you had to post an ad in the paper. what a joke. or just give away your tv and go get a new one. now, you can offset the cost of new items by quickly selling yours. it's really great. ok sorry for the diversion. as you were.

Adding achievements..... Vega
I reasonably certain BB can pick out a few mistakes as well. I can see over a dozen just by speed reading through it.
I think he was just saying that Pickle's post seemed a bit better by comparison to what we've seen from him in the past.

In other words, at least he's improving, as Mike noted.

However... @Pickle - if you want to really impress, You might wanna try pasting into a word doc and running a quick spell check.
I suppose the only draw back is that we then would not be able to tell for sure that it is something you wrote or copy/pasted off of a google search.

If it's ridild with hallairyus speleng, at leest we no fore shoor that its reely pickle.

Report a bug Zop
previous device
I'm sure this has been covered, but I can't search the forum (maybe there's a good reason... ). Anyway, I submitted scores with an old Samsung i500 (with username Zop) a while back, and I don't believe I changed the password, or even logged in, then. The Samsung is odd because it loses all info if you don't charge it from a dead battery in 17 hours (or some time), and since it's been many months, nothing is on there. Now, I use a Treo.

I reinstall BoD, and the generated password isn't correct. The generation doesn't seem dependant on the Palm's username, or last high score name, so I was wondering if the BoD version could be important. Or, is there a way to save the old account?

Biker's Cafe Cody
Quick Quiz
Here's a general knowledge quiz. Send your answers to me in a private message and I will grade you. No using a search engine or anything else. If you don't have a clue just say "I don't know."

1. What is the capital of Europe?

2. Say silk 9 times. Now say it again.

3. What do cows drink?

4. What do you put in a toaster?

5. A mute man walks into a store and wants a toothbrush. He motions brushing his teeth and the cashier gives him a toothbrush. Now a blind man walks into the same store and wants a pair of sunglasses. How does he get them?

6.How many legs does an octopus have?

7. How do you pronounce the capital of Kentucky? Is it Loo-iss-vill, Loo-ee-vill, or Loo-vill?

Bike or Die v1.4 is coming! Kristopher
Use [Ctrl]+[F] to search this page for "Easter Eggs"
http://www.freewebs.c om/zodiacfreak/ultimatezodiacguide.htm

I tried moving the recordings again (I am testing this on Zire 72 because it doesn't have so many recordings), and got error "2A0E" quite soon, while it was trying to move the built-in levels.

I deleted the Bike or Die! folder from the card, which was still there from beta v1, and retried moving the recodings... I am still getting this error. I think the error come before any recordings are moved.

So now I am trying to move the recordings through the Zodiac. Only 2300 recordings? I thought I had more. It moved about 100 recordings before getting this same error "2A0E," even though this is a different Palm and SD card.

(I am going to recording in the menu, selecting card as location, then manually moving to the card.)

Sweet Fifteen, New Deal, and THEN... Kristopher
I have a completely different name suggestion for the first levelpack: [Ecstasied or Suicide!] I am having trouble proving that this is a word, but it is in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary:,ecstasied

BTW Bones, I did not change the Updraft on CMR.

Shane sent me this, and I definitely agree about Dante's:

Looking at Vega's list, the ones I was going to vote for that don't seem to be there are...
On the Town
Red Sox 1
50m swim
Bikes Float
Pit & The Pendulum
Into Tunnels

I thought your game 'Portraits' would make a good short level for HoF too.
Of the ones that made it, I would vote against anything that looks like a house/building, because Home Sweet Home is 1 level too many in that genre (I can't do these fiddly levels!!) also Triple High Jump & Save the Princess don't really have much appeal.

Bike or Die v1.4 is coming! Kristopher
I have tried again a few times, but still get errors on the Zire 72. I noticed that, even though the errors come instantly, and nothing is put into the Recordings folder, that it still thinks it has moved 20 of the 600 some recordings (I have less recordings now because some got lost trying to move to the card. ). It will say "Moving 20/655" or something like that.
How does the game know if it has moved any recordings to the SD card, when the game is restarted? Does it search the card everytime, or does it keep a list of the card files somewhere else? Maybe something got corrupted between the two betas.

I'm just noticing in the file I mentioned in my last post:
-> Total Files Listed:
-> 104 File(s) 57,404 bytes
-> 98 Dir(s) 19,939,328 bytes free

I don't have 98 folders- I have much more recordings than folders on the Zodiac's SD card. It seems that it thinks there are folders on the card that aren't there?

Ideas ackmondual
site and game suggestions
Game suggestions...
for the map view, make mines blink of flash like the biker, flags, and checkered flag. Can't see the mines on some maps b/c it's so big, the mines looke like squares or dots and practically blend in with the terrain.

Site suggestions (I did post this elsewhere, but dunno if ppl are able to get through all the posts)
-A search feature
-email notifications to message replies
-email notifications to PMs
-html tags or just formatting

-see more than 10 levels per page
-see more than 10 level packs per page
-compare levels side by side (e.g. all of Master KO's levels across all levelpacks, see all hard rated levels across the level packs, etc.)

-be able to jump to any page instantly, rather than having to go from 10 to 40, to 70, to 100, etc.

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©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING