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CarlForce Requires v1.6
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3610 hits
Created by:
Carl China

3 Aug 2008





Danger Chois

Hass Mountain


78 comments on 8 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>>>
*every now and then
When did I say you were a jerk? (bones on the other hand)
Ok vega I have been improving and no one can deny that!(I actully used capitalisation {spelled wrong I think} in this post) And anyway If you think my typing is bad you should see my hand writing

And I think that both of your examples there are a bit worse than any of my posts recently. (maby not the smily part but still...)

And regaurding growing up? Laser and me were talking about this on chat the other day he had siad something along the lines of "I think proper grammer and spelling is a neccesity for life" to witch I responded"Well your sorta right I gess, I mean you have to know how to use the correct spelling and grammer to get into college, and you cant get a good job if you dont go to college. So its not needed for life persay however your life will probly be much happyer." (once agian paraphrasing) Tho I still think college is dumb to require all that so much...I mean most jobs out there dont evan require you to be able to do that......Anyway I think I have made my point so thats all(Still love the smilys and you cant do a thing about that)
btw I think all of the above posts about pinerds bike force name are hillarious..
@pickle: Smil_ie_s
I actually think CarlForce is a great name to change this to. Carl does seem to be improving steadily: Line looks like slightly heavier material than some of his other stuff. We have to remember where I came from:  Peak Biker,  Nerdio's Levels. Even titans like Kris started by producing rubbish:  Standard Revisited. The same cannot be said of Vega, interestingly, although we haven't seen enough of his content to make a true judgement as to wether that was rubbish by his standards. (hint hint). Coming soon is a new LP from me: BikeForce: Elements (not enough content to merit the '2' suffix, but leaps and bounds more impressive than the BikeForce 1 levels)

It is quite funny actually isn't it

We're all nerds deep down in our hearts!
wow, what a heated discussion
well, i probably shouldn't have accepted this levelpack under the BikeForce name...
i emailed Carl about changing the name (perhaps he prefers something other than "CarlForce"), in case there is no answer or the answer is uncomprehensible then the name will be "CarlForce"

nerds? actually I think you're a jerk. maybe you should change your name. (hint hint)

Was your little (hint hint) a challenge to me to make more levels to "prove myself"? Yah. Kris tried to pull that junk too once. Some time ago, I was pushing for the addition of the current bonus points agenda and he tried to "diminish" my clout in the discussion by insinuating that I hadn't completed enough levels to prove that I could actually compete on a grander scale. But that was many many golds ago. I haven't heard anything about since. If you really knew your stuff, you'd already know that I lent a huge helping hand in design on much more than just my four movie levels and was highly involved in the implementation of Old School and Next Gen.

I like your levels a lot. I'd wager that you're going to make some pretty sweet courses in the days ahead. Probably some of the best yet. But enough with your rubbish this and rubbish that. I don't take well to people just tossing around unprovoked and unwarranted insults, especially as bold and brash as your comments toward Carl. That's why, even as great as he was, I never took well to Cirenco... cause he was a jerk.

I think cirincos problem had more to do with the translator he was using,looking at the very large argument on the medals by country page,he often simply dident make sence...(still more than carl tho....)

@pinerd. Vega's style seems to always be small but amazing hence why he only plays 4 packs (owns in all but old school where he is 2nd,but hel probly take that back soon enuf...)
and also he has made 4 levels(interesting he likes the #4)
but whatever it is that he does he only does a little of it but it is done almost perfectly(this also seems to apply with his commenting, doesent comment much but when he does everyone seems to listen...),but I dont think anyone can rightly say that vega isent good at level making or level playing...

thats all
How about a poll?
A) People who don't speak English are bad.
B) People who use translators sound bad.
C) People who use translators appear nonsensical, so you assume the worst of them.
definatly A
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