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Spring Revival Requires v1.6 Contains Enhanced Graphics / BoD 2
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...40 ...42
#46 bones847.5 pts
(1 pts behind Phil642)
#51 Yuzz780 pts
(67.5 pts behind bones)
#52 topher774 pts
(6 pts behind Yuzz)
#55 ProMed763.5 pts
(10.5 pts behind topher)
#68 Husky11663 pts
(100.5 pts behind ProMed)
#71 grosfils618.5 pts
(44.5 pts behind Husky11)
#77 chalob566.75 pts
(51.75 pts behind grosfils)
#85 ninjabika495.75 pts
(71 pts behind chalob)
#87 TGel478.5 pts
(17.25 pts behind ninjabika)
#90 Kristopher471.75 pts
(6.75 pts behind TGel)
22 comments on 3 pages: <<<< 1 2 3
Update: The levelpack now contains the creators' "signatures" missing from the initial release
I found a work around to the "Download Failed" message. I found an old message from SZ saying how to install level packs that are not on the web site. I used that syntax and it worked. For anyone with the same issue, here is the syntax that worked in Safari:


Well, that didn't come across too well in the forum. Here it is without including the URL:


replace the real URL where the file is found for 'url' in the above statement.
Another long night.... Gotta be at work in 5 hours which means not much sleep... again.... Thanks BoD.
I am personally waiting for Lee to submit. I want to see some awsome routes we all know he will find
iphone installing:
chances are, the download link works again. please try NOW.

(it seems that they have recently changed something in Safari, making the old URL invalid)
I left the site for 2 days and I come back to find... The new pack is out!... YAY!! the forum has gotten more posts in the last two days than it has had in the last two weeks...
just wondering, what happened to the logos on mine and alex's levels?
well, i promised myself that i wouldn't keep my spring revivals golds secret very long, so they are now all open, hopefully i dont lose them too fast, enjoy
I decided to concentrate on Spring Revival a couple of weeks ago. Tyler had gold in the pack by about 60 pts on me. Four golds and a few other improvements later...
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