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in  New Deal Requires v1.4
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...580 ...590 ...594
#1 Kamirashi0:29,60
121 pts
ViewOne more gold for the pile.
#2 FEL!PE FM0:29,64
116 pts
#3 mike flips0:29,72
112 pts
#4 Shane0:29,90
109 pts
#5 Andrew A0:30,34
107 pts
#6 Tyler0:30,52
105 pts
#7 Lee0:30,70
103 pts
#8 Kassula0:30,92
101 pts
#9 BikerBrian0:31,16
99 pts
#10 asta-roth0:31,24
97 pts
37 comments on 4 pages: <<<< 1 2 3 4 >>>>
Carl China
Iwill notnot a single day!
mike flips
uh, good job Carl
"WTF is wrong with u shane, do u have nothing better to do than go after my golds until it annoys me so much i dont play them anymore??? i thot you were a nice guy but this is just annoying, its like u are making me waste my time for no reason, u already had second place, and u will end up with second again... why do u do this???" - Mike flips

soz to spam an old level, but this is exactly what you do to the best mike.. and in doing so piss them off eneugh that they become sick of the game.
(to every1 else sorry, but i've just had eneugh of mike and he deserves this.)

When I first saw this comment, I thought it was Alex saying it to Shane and was offended. It's even more offensive that it was Mike who said it. Mike has done this to me and to pretty much anyone else who has ever dared to earn a gold. If you take a gold from anyone else, you're a nice guy. But if you take if from mike, you're annoying.
mike flips
a) I apologized for that one in a roundabout way (I was a bit drunk at the time , and it was a bit annoying - everyone was counting on me to stop Kassula and it went back and forth ten times - way to take things out of context

b) alex I'm sorry you are jealous, stop being a baby

Sorry for my ignorance regarding Kassula. Stop him from what? His highest ever rank was 26. Why did you take this level so personal? Either way, why did you blast Shane? I didn't know you were drinking age now, let alone in 2006!

Mike, if you were any of us, what would be your thoughts about "mike flips"?
I think some players took exception to Kassula's 3rd person 'style' in the forum. Personally, I found him pretty damn funny

Just put Kassula into the search and tell me thats not entertainment!
Come back Kassula.
mike flips
BB - was trying to stop him from getting golds - he made the funniest comments and we were stopping him from making it into the golden club (at least 5 times he had claimed gold but couldn't hold onto it long enough). I know I was a bit harsh in my comment but i didnt mean any harm as you can probably tell by scanning the forums and finding that this was an exception, rather than the rule. I dont think i was even in first place at the time its so long ago.

Oh and drinking... my Bday was a month ago so now im legal everywhere (so of course i was not drinking back then)
i agree with you completely alex

if mike really is the best he would be able to make his games public and fight off anyone that takes medals from him, instead he stays on top by making deals and hiding his games
, if the 11 or so people who have been on the forums recently band together as the BoDAAMF (Bike or Die Allience Against Mike Flips) who each work on 6 of the levels that Mike flips has golds on that are their favorites and simutanously submit all of the golds and push MF to 0 G 86 S 17 B... Topple mike flips (i'm partly joking incase people are still believing what i'm saying)
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